C H A P T E R • F I F T Y T W O

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"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Techno enquired

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"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Techno enquired.

I knew my brother well enough by now to see through the unaffected exterior. He was shaken by this, considerably, as was Phil. But what...

"Is it really you?" Hannah's eyes widened. "Prince Techno?"

"How... how do you know him?" Asked Phil, the stutter uncharacteristic of him, as was the paleness of his face.

"Our empire has been searching for you for the past two decades," Ranboo elaborated, raising a gloved hand to adjust the lily-white material on his fingers somewhat nervously. "I... wow, uh, I was almost losing hope that we would ever be successful."

"But you're all here - Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Jett, Tommy... this is absolutely incredible."

"How did you know we were alive?" I asked, unable to believe what I was hearing. "We barely knew each other until a few months ago."

"You must be aware of the magic of your empire," stated Hannah, frowning slightly. "If the entire royal family was dead, the king's rock would have shattered. We knew you were alive, we just didn't know where."

"Ever since the king and the queen were slain by the Rams Cult, we have been searching for you." Ranboo's words were somewhat hesitant, perhaps sensing our alarm at having this thrust upon us. "You are the rightful heirs to the throne of the Elemental Empire."

"Wait, the Rams Cult?" Karl spoke, and I turned to see a light of recognition in the brunet's eyes.

"You've heard of the Rams Cult?" I asked him.

"Quackity took us to them when we hired a hit against Sapnap months ago," he said. "They were after the discs too - I wonder why they didn't show up today? I was half expecting them to."

"I'll tell you why they didn't," said Dream, putting two and two together, "Schlatt is... was their leader. They were there, just not dressed up in their anonymous outfits."

"That must be right," Techno agreed. "Rams Cult members were there on the night of the assassination of Dream's parents. They wore the same black clothing and black hoods."

"And they were there at CookShed when Dream showed up with you lot before any of this happened," added Tommy, turning to glance at Tubbo. "Do you remember?"

Tubbo nodded seriously.

"We kicked them out for disorderly behaviour."

"The Rams Cult have been trying to seize power over the Elemental Empire for decades," explained Hannah. "I know about the discs that have been used against you, you were led to believe your parents created them to keep you safe, but this isn't true. The reason your father gave them to you was because he hadn't found a way to break their curse. They needed to be kept safe so no one could use them against you, but unfortunately, he died before he could find a way to break it."

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