C H A P T E R • F I V E

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Clay was silent for the entirety of our journey back to the castle, and it put the rest of us on edge more than we already were

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Clay was silent for the entirety of our journey back to the castle, and it put the rest of us on edge more than we already were. I felt the emotion weighing heavy in my chest, like a huge lump I couldn't be rid of. The dread of what we would find on our return pervaded all our emotions, turning our hearts to stone, and our lungs to lead. I could feel the shock and confusion of George, Sapnap and Bad hanging in the air about us, and it did nothing to alleviate what I was feeling.

It was evident that something was up as soon as we were able to see the castle - there were lights on everywhere, many more than there usually were, and the walls seemed to hum with a nervous energy. Clay's jaw was set in a grim line, and I felt my heart drop a little further every time I glanced in his direction. If the rumours were true, I knew exactly what they meant for him. What they meant for both of us.

As soon as the five of us mounted the steps that led into the castle grounds, there was shouting from above, and several guards began rushing down, their boots clacking on the stone steps loudly. Upon reaching us, however, they hesitated, before each one of them dropped to one knee, bowing respectfully in Dream's direction.

"Long live the king."

Dream's sharp intake of breath was heavily audible in the still air, and he shook his head.

"No," he muttered. "No no no..."

He took off running, and the rest of us followed him up the steps, past the rest of the guards who began bowing too as they realised who was approaching. Without waiting for them to finish, Dream flung open the castle doors, and entered the hallway. People began appearing from all directions, and he suddenly halted, not knowing which direction to go in.

"I need to know the truth," he stated, in as calm a voice as ever. "What happened."

There was dead silence across the hallway, each of their eyes flicking between myself and Dream. No one wanted to say it.

"Do none of you know?" Asked George.

"We know," responded one of the butlers, hesitantly. "But..."

"Well answer him then!" George yelled, glaring at him. "He asked you a question."

The butler swallowed nervously, glancing at each of us once more, before finally relenting.

"Gangsters raided the conference your parents attended earlier this evening," he said, in such a quiet voice that it seemed to barely reach the walls of the castle's grand entrance. "They were after the throne, killed several advisors and political representatives, and... well, your parents. They didn't survive the attack, your highnesses I'm so sorry, I..."

"No," said Dream, shaking his head, in denial. "No. I can't... I can't do this."

"You are the rightful heir to the throne," the butler stated. "To all intents and purposes, you are the king."

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