C H A P T E R • T H I R T Y E I G H T

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"Was all of that really necessary?"

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"Was all of that really necessary?"

I startled at Phil's voice, not having noticed that my eldest brother had entered the underground room that contained the fighting pit. Techno, appearing slightly less indifferent to usual, was sitting on top of a completely exhausted Dream. Everything about the blonde's body language indicated defeat - his arms were free, but completely limp, waiting for Techno to get off him. Techno, in due course, rolled to the side and stood up, wiping away blood that dripped from a cut beside his ear. When Dream did not move, Techno held out a hand to him. Dream, however, did not take it, and stared up at him.

"Why, Techno?"

"Why what?"

Dream breathed out heavily.

"Why did you kill them?"

"Remember when I told you that every single guard in the place was under Schlatt's command?" Techno asked him. When Dream nodded, he continued. "If I didn't do what Schlatt wanted, they were gonna kill me."

"But it was all so... planned," said Dream. "Surely you could have... I don't know."

"Schlatt did not plan my presence there," said Techno. "I was there for another reason entirely. But Schlatt is an opportunist. My being there got in his way, but instead of letting it stop him, he used it to his advantage."

"Why were you there then?" I asked.

Techno turned to look at me, and I was surprised by the cautious look in his otherwise expressionless eyes. He turned back to Dream.

"Dream knows why I was there. I suppose it would be better for him to explain it to you."

"Wait, you knew?!" Sapnap exclaimed. "How?"

"Dream's got a lot to explain, by the sound of it," I spoke dryly.

"Maybe he does," said Techno.

"If you're both done, there's healing potions in that chest," Phil nodded towards the corner of the room where a stack of chests and barrels stood against the wall.

"Alright," nodded Techno.

Dream finally took Techno's offered hand, and allowed him to pull him to his feet.

"Hey," Techno halted him before he could pull away, and for the first time I noticed dry tear tracks running across Dream's cheeks. He must have been crying earlier. "Don't hate me for winding you up just now. You needed to let your anger out on someone who could take it, alright?"

"You don't get to decide that," Dream responded.

Techno shrugged.

"Well, I did, and you're calm, so it worked. Now go explain yourself to my sister, since apparently you haven't done a very good job of that so far."

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