C H A P T E R • F O R T Y S I X

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A/N: you get the chapter a day early because I said so

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A/N: you get the chapter a day early because I said so

I finally got my chance to spend time with Imane and Rae later that day, when the two girls joined Sapnap and I on the wall. Sapnap fled to join Punz, Aipha and the rest in the armoury, as Imane and I had begun to tease him and Rae as soon as they arrived.

"You two are awful," Rae stated, folding her arms in a pretence of appearing cross.

"Who d'ya think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to ya, try to keep it hidden, honey we can see right through ya!" Imane sang, taking a seat beside Rae, who groaned, put her hands over her ears.

"What a tune, what a tune," I clapped her sarcastically, and Imane laughed.

"Sing it with me J, come on."

I snorted.

"J? That's a new one. And I refuse to join in on this singing because I'm down bad too."

"I like J," said Rae, with a smile. "It's short and sweet, and you need new nicknames to go with your new name."

"Rae you barely knew me as Alexa," I chuckled at her. "But I can agree with you."

"Wait, hold on, you two are not getting away with this," Imane put in. "Don't change the subject. Jett we spent teenage-hood dealing with the disaster that was my love life, so we can spend adulthood working on you two."

"Oh no," I groaned. "I'm good thank you. I don't need any more working on, I get enough of that from Sapnap."

"She can sing the first part of the song," suggested Rae. "If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation, that's ancient history, been there, done that!"

"Hey, I'm happy now, we can move on from this," I protested. "Anyway, that sounds more like Imane."

Imane shrugged her shoulders, smiling a little.

"Maybe you're not wrong. Have you ever heard of the term 'demiromantic'?"

I frowned, and shook my head slightly.

"It's on the aromantic spectrum, right?" Asked Rae. "I have to be honest, I don't know a lot about it though."

"It's just something I learned about myself over the past ten years or so. It means that I actually don't feel romantic attraction to people unless I've developed a serious bond with them first. Phil helped me figure it out, actually. Your oldest brother is one of the kindest people on the earth, Jett. I owe him a lot, most of all my life and my peace of mind."

I smiled at her.

"Are you really okay now, Imane? It's okay if you don't wanna get into it, but..."

"I am," she nodded. "You know, a lot of the things that are pushed upon us as little girls isn't really true at all. As a kid, I had this idea in my head that so much of a girl's identity is wrapped up in the guy she ends up falling in love with. You know those princess tales where the happily ever after is always about how she gets to marry the prince?"

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