C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y T H R E E

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It was quite a trek out to the ravine cliffs that Imane had referred to

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It was quite a trek out to the ravine cliffs that Imane had referred to. We shortened that time by running as much of it as we could, but it was still at least twenty minutes before we reached them, and saw Dream and Wilbur.

It was always foggy at the cliffs. The area was beautiful, the trees surrounding the ravine a deep and calming green, and the trickle of running water could be heard at the base of it. Not that you could see down there, the fog seemingly rising up from down below and blocking our vision. My heart leapt into my mouth as I caught sight of Dream and Wilbur standing on the very edge of the cliff, Imane and I simultaneously calling out in alarm. Two heads whipped around to stare at us, and I yelled at them both again.

"Get back from there! What do you think you're doing?"

"Dream!" Yelled George. "That's dangerous, you're so irresponsible! You are a prince, for goodness sake!"

"I'm fine," Dream rolled his eyes casually, turning to smirk at Wilbur. "You can feel free to step back at any time, though."

"Never," Wilbur retorted.

"How are you both so DUMB!" Sapnap groaned.

"Dream, Wilbur, seriously," spoke Punz, who was perhaps the only level headed member of our small group, "This is getting ridiculous. Excuse my saying so, your highness, but manipulating Wilbur and pushing him to do things like this is not okay. And Wilbur, you are achieving absolutely nothing by what you are doing!"

"Thank you, Punz," Imane's voice was quiet, tinged with fear. "Dream, Wil, please stop. You're..."

She broke off suddenly, as there was a grating noise, and some of the cliff began to crumble. Dream and Wilbur yelled in alarm, both of them leaping back at the same time as Imane leapt forward. Her fingers caught on the sleeve of Dream's hoodie as the ground fell out from beneath him, and managed to break his fall, hauling him back up into the rocky ledge. His hands found purchase on the uneven ground there, long fingers stretching to try and pull himself back up, but the ground only broke away between them.

"Dream!" I yelled, as Sapnap grabbed me around the middle, pulling me back flush with his chest to prevent me from getting any closer. I yelped in surprise, and struggled furiously in his grip. "Sapnap, stop it! I need to..."

"No you don't, he's fine," he said, pulling both of us back out of the way. "The less weight on that cliff edge the better."

Wilbur had stepped back out of the way, and was watching Dream hanging from the side of the cliff in idle interest.

"Wasn't the bet 'whoever falls or steps back first is the loser?' My my Dream, you appear to have lost a bet!"

"Wilbur, shut up and help me!" Imane turned to hiss at him angrily, her words cutting off Dream before he could defend himself. Wilbur was taken by surprise at the tone of her voice.

The Boy With The ArrowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora