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Next Day

Minho PoV

I slowly open my eyes and look around. Chan and Hyunjin still sleeping, as I huff.
Minho: Right... Yesterday..

I look at Jiyeon bed and it's empty. I quickly get up and look around. I panicked,until I saw her sleeping on the coffee table, with book and pencils around her. I huffed and shook my head.
Minho: I thought something bad happened to her.

I slowly get off the bed and walk to her. I sit on the couch and stare at her sleeping face. Poor her...she should rest today,but still...she abusing herself again. I look at the time and it shows 5:30 a.m..
Minho: She need to wake up...if she want to go to school today.

I slowly shake her as she open her eyes. She look at me before sit straight and yawn while stretching her back slowly.
Jiyeon: *yawn* Good morning,oppa.
Minho: Good morning,are you going to school today?
Jiyeon: Yeah..
Minho: But I think you should rest. Did you pull out all night studying?
Jiyeon: Like always. What time is it?
Minho: 5:31 a.m..
Jiyeon: I see.. I just study a bit before mom come.
Minho: What time did you sleep?
Jiyeon: 5.
Minho: What?!

She smile at me before pat my hand.
Jiyeon: It's okay.
Minho: You should get enough sleep before entering the exam hall! You can't focus if you sleepy while answering the paper.
Jiyeon: I'm gonna be okay,don't worry. Now you should go to sleep.
Minho: It's you who should go to sleep.
Jiyeon: I'll sleep after I'm done.
Minho: Listen here you little panda bear, you still have one week and few days before the exam end. After exam, you will go practice and continue study until the next day. Tell me now,when can you take a sleep?
Jiyeon: My cat brotha, I can take a nap while in the car after school and while going to the headquarter. If I study all night again,I still can sleep for 10-30 minutes before wake up for school again.
Minho: That's not enough,kid.
Jiyeon: I can make it enough after exam. No worries.

I just look at her as she smile at me.
Minho: It's not good for your health.
Jiyeon: I know,but I don't any choices. I really left behind this year.
Minho: You can school next year if you want to.
Jiyeon: But oppa, I never end my year like normal student do. This is my first time taking exam after one years.
Just let me be.
Minho: *sigh* You can always ask for help from us, we can help you studying and memorizing the facts.
Jiyeon: Ofc you guys did learn this before, but I don't think you understand this since you always sleep and not focusing while teachers teaching and that's why I prefer to not ask you about this. *Smile*
Minho: Aushh.

I push her head from behind as she laugh.
Jiyeon: Now better go, I want to study.
Minho: I just want to say good luck. If I know you sleep in the exam hall, I'll make sure you repeat your year next year.
Jiyeon: Fine.

Then I stand up and go to my bed again. I just watch her study...or reading the book.
Minho: Are you studying or reading?
Jiyeon: This is how I study. Read and rewrite the fact.

Then she close the book and write something on her note book and read the book again.
Minho: Like that? Wait,what subject is that?
Jiyeon: Physics?
Minho: What?! That is one of the hardest subject in school!
Jiyeon: So?
Minho: ....

She put the book back and write something on her book.
Minho: How can you remember what you read while we're talking? Are you listening to me?
Jiyeon: I am.
Minho: You're amazing....
Jiyeon: It's not like I read it only once,I repeat it again and again until my brain take it. Then I write.
Minho: Are you sure all you wrote are right?
Jiyeon: Confidence is the key.

Then she smile at me before read back her book. Few minutes later, our mom come in with Jiyeon's uniform and a bag.
Mom: Good morning, Jiyeon,Minho.
Min,Ji: Good morning,Mom.
Mom: Jiyeon,did you study all night again?
Jiyeon: As always.

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