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Author PoV

It's been three months since the agents finish their mission, and they start training together two months after that, after they make sure their wound perfectly healed. Since the day they found out their identity, they become more close and always go and come back home together. Jiyeon's sibling still don't know about it, but they start to stop asking after she told that she is with her bestie. Same goes to Ryujin and Beomgyu, their friends stop asking after they told the same thing.

The school holiday finally come, so they plan to go on a family trip with the others. Mr. Yoo just agree with their decision, so now all of them gather in Jiyeon house in the living room to discuss where will they go.
Chan: So, any suggestion?
Jiyeon: Anywhere would be fun.
Chaeryoung: Let's go to the beach!
Chan: Good idea! Anyone else?
Hyunjin: Shall we go hiking and camping at the top of the hill?
Minho: I like that.
Chan: Okay, anyone else?

Then they all stop talking and think about another place.
Jeongin: Let's visit every famous place around here?
Jiyeon: That's sounds okay too.
Chan: Okay, it's closed now. Now let's vote. All put your head down, raise your hand with the place you wanna go.

Then they all put their head down.
Chan: First, beach.

Most of them put their hand up. Chan counted and write down the number.
Chan: Okay, we done.

Then they put their head up and saw all of them put their hand up.
Chan: you should just agree from the start.
Hyunjin: Just giving some suggestion.
Jeongin: Yeah.
Chan: Okay, we will go to the beach! Now suggest the place. We need it near here and a place to sleep in.

Then all of them start searching some place near a beach for them to go. Few minutes searching, finally someone find a place.
Kai: I got it!
Chan: Where?
Kai: Gangnam Natural Resort, near the Gangnam Harbour.

Then they check the place, Jiyeon who drinking water while searching almost chocked the water and burst them. She swallow it and cough. All of them look at her as she look at them.
Jiyeon: Sorry.
Minho: Are you okay?
Jiyeon: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just *cough cough* go take some water.

She stand up and leave. She enter the kitchen and take a cold water from the fridge. Then she sit down on the chair and look at the place.

Jiyeon PoV

The heck?! I never knew there was a beautiful place near the Harbour! I'm so shock to found out that it's near to my first mission place. I sighed and drink the water. After that, I was about to go to them again when suddenly my phone ring. I pick it up.

*on call

Jiyeon: Yes?
Mrs. Park: Emergency! We got attacked!
Jiyeon: What?!
Mrs. Park: Hurry, report yourself with the other agent here! They are upstairs, we still in secret room. Tell agent white and red too. Faster!!
Jiyeon: Got it.

*hang up

I hang up and quickly go out from the kitchen, they look at me.
Chan: Anything happened?
Jiyeon: I have something to do now. Tell me the result later.

Beomgyu and Ryujin look at me as I look at them. They nodded as I go to my room and take my mask and the ring. I storm downstairs while wearing mask as they look at me.
Jiyeon: I'm going now, I'll be back.
Chan: Auh, be careful...

Then I storm outside.

Ryujin PoV

After she left, we look at them.
Chan: Where is she going?..
Changbin: We need someone to look after her.

Agent Sister//SKZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now