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Jiyeon PoV

It's early November, holiday is just around the corner. BUT, exam first. Yep,it's exam day. I wonder if I can pass this test since....yeah, It's just few weeks since I attend school. I stay all night to study, to be ready for this day. Good luck for us.

Now, we're somewhere inside the school, do revision together. Today subject is Math and Science which make me lost a lot of energy just by doing revision with them.
Jeongin: Oh, how to use this formula?
Jiyeon: Just do it like this.

I show them the example and explain about it shortly. They just nod and write about it. I huff and stretch my back tired.
Beomgyu: We make you tired,right?
Jiyeon: Well, not really. I stay up all night yesterday so I don't get any sleep.
Beomgyu: Aiguu, you abusing yourself again. When will you stop doing that? It's not good.
Jiyeon: Maybe after the exam end.
Ryujin: But hey,I heard we will have a mission. I don't know when but we will.
Beomgyu: Where did you get that fake information?
Ryujin: I just overheard about it at the headquarter.
Chaeryoung: Me too.
Jiyeon: Then be ready. *Look at watch* Oh,it's time. Let's go.

We clean the table and bring our book with us. We walk to our class and take our seat. The teacher come in and give us paper and we start.

Time Skipp>>

Time's up,the teacher collect the paper as I huff. I look at them,all show their disappointed face.
Jiyeon: What's wrong?
Jeongin: I didn't get to answer all.
Ryujin: Me too.
Chaeryoung: I think I answered wrong half of it.
Beomgyu: I forgot all we study earlier.
Jiyeon: I see...well,don't worry. You still can get a high score.
Ryujin: How about you?
Jiyeon: I did it all.
Jeongin: Surely got a full mark.
Jiyeon: I don't think so.

Suddenly my phone rang as I look at the caller. I sigh and look at them.
Jiyeon: I just going to answer this call.

I stand up and pick it up before head out.

*On call

Jiyeon: Yes ma'am?
Mrs. Park: Good morning, Black. I know you're at school and have a exam today. But, we really need you now.
Jiyeon: Why me? There's about 19 people and you choose me?
Mrs. Park: Don't be mad, only you can defeat them.
Jiyeon: Who?

Ryujin PoV

After she get out,we start look at each other.
Ryujin: Who called her?
Jeongin: I can't see it.
Chaeryoung: What if what you say is true?
Beomgyu: Let's just wait. Do your revision.

Then we do our revision for science subject. Few minutes later she come back and sit on her chair. She look so serious and sad plus furious.
Ryujin: Jiyeon....

She look at me and raise her eyebrow.
Ryujin: You okay?

She just nod and huff.
Jeongin: I don't think so.
Beomgyu: You can tell us. What's wrong? Who called you?
Jiyeon: *look at watch* We have a hour before start. Shall we go somewhere to do revision?

She take her bag and head out.
Chaeryoung: What make her mad like that?
Ryujin: I don't know,but we should follow her before she get more furious.

We quickly pack our bag and run chasing her.

We arrived at the same round table that we do revision before and saw her waiting there. We take a seat and huff.
Ryujin: You really fast.
Jiyeon: *laugh* sorry for leaving you.
Jeongin: So what is it?

Jiyeon PoV

They all look at me curious. I sigh and look at them.
Jiyeon: I have to go later.
Them: What?!
Jiyeon: I know we have an exam but...I have to.
Chaeryoung: Did Mrs. Park call you?
Jiyeon: Yes, she just give me a solo mission.
Beomgyu: Solo?!
Jiyeon: Yeah.
Jeongin: How can you get a solo while this two didn't get even once?
Jiyeon: I don't know.
Ryujin: So,what is it about?
Jiyeon: The leaders that escaped come back and kidnapped Chan. I have to go before they do anything to him.
Chaeryoung: That's sounds like team than solo mission.
Jiyeon: We all can't go together,furthermore, only me assigned in this mission. So,you all stay. I'll make sure I'll come back with him.
Beomgyu: It's only few weeks since you start training...are you sure you can do it alone?
Jiyeon: You don't trust me?
Beomgyu: I do but....
Jiyeon: Don't worry, it's gonna be okay!
Jeongin: When will you go?
Jiyeon: In

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