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Jiyeon PoV

It's been a month since the emergency, and I'm getting more better. I'm still not fully healed, but the other two already healed. They said they will wait until I'm fully recovered before we go to the holiday trip. I'm sympathy with them, since they spend their holiday doing nothing. So I talk to them,to leave me behind. They strongly oppose it at first,but after long discussion,they finally agree. Today is the day they will go,and will be back in two more day. They all decide to gather here so that the bus don't have to waste their gas to take them.
Yeji: Are you sure you don't want to join?
Ryujin: But it's not fun without you.
Lia: Come on,let's go together...
Chaeryoung: We can't leave you here alone.
Jiyeon: I'll be fine! Enjoy your trip!

They hug me before get out from my room with their bags and other stuffs. They sleepover again yesterday,to make sure no one late. Ryujin let the other girls to go first as she go with me.
Ryujin: There must be another reason. We won't get any mission while you still recovering. What is it?
Jiyeon: Like I say, I don't want you guys to waste your holiday waiting for me to fully recovered. It gonna take more time than I expected and to be honest,I was thinking about what my fake mom said.
Ryujin: About your real mom?
Jiyeon: *nod* yes. I will investigate about it myself. That's why I'm not going.
Ryujin: What if it's a lie?
Jiyeon: I don't know...but somehow something keep coming to my mind saying to find out about it. I can't ignore it.
Ryujin: If that so...will you tell us the result?
Jiyeon: I only trust both of you.
Ryujin: Then I'll wait for your news.
Jiyeon: I'll tell you. After you guys back from the trip.

Then we heard people calling for her from downstairs.
Jiyeon: Let's go.

Then we walk together as I saw them already ready.
Jisung: You sure? We still have a place for you.
Jeongin: You will be bored since we're not here.
Felix: We still have time to bring you with us.
Jiyeon: Guys,stop trying,I won't go. Don't worry, I'll be fine here alone. It's not like I never be alone before.
Changbin: But we will be miss you there...
Jiyeon: Don't think about me. Have fun!

The other walk out and put their stuff in the bus while my brother come to me and hug me.
Chan: We will definitely miss you there... We wanna spend this holiday with you...
Jiyeon: We will, but not this time. Be careful, I don't want to hear or see you got hurt there.
Chan: I'll take care of them. Woojin and Minho will help me, don't worry. Especially the girls. We will take care of them like we do to you.
Jiyeon: Thank you.

Then we aparted and smile to each other. Then my other brothers hug me one by one before follow the other. I walk out as the girls and boys come to me. The girls hug me first before I hug the boys. Group hug~

Then I stay until they finally drive off and gone from my sight. After that I go back to my room and lay down on my bed.
Jiyeon: It's so calm... So, shall I start?

I get up and lock the door. Then I start searching for something that can help me to find the truth about my mother. I look wherever I can think. Half hour later, I stopped and sigh.
Jiyeon: Nothing? There must be something she hide here!

Then I lift the mattress and saw a note. I take it and put the matress back and I sit on my bed.

Drawer in my room.


After I read it, I quickly go to my parents room and saw nothing in there.
Jiyeon: Think sharp...

I take out the drawer beside the bed and look under it. All three of it has nothing,then I look inside the body. A piece of paper are there,so I take it. I put the drawer back and unfold the paper.

Something in the kitchen that I always use.


Jiyeon: Another clue?Why can't mom just tell me what it is?

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