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Next Day

Jiyeon PoV

I wake up after my mom wake me up.
Mom: Wake up,Jiyeon. You're gonna be late! I already stand by all of your thing,you just need to get up and get ready.
Jiyeon: *yawn* Thanks mom.

I get up and walk to bathroom. I tie my hair in high bun before take a cold shower.

Few minutes later,I done as I get out and wear my uniform. I look in the mirror and smile.
Jiyeon: Wah,it's been a long time since I wear a school uniform.

I tie my hair in high ponytail before put on my glasses. I take my bag and put my wallet inside before put my phone inside my pocket. I wear my stocking and shoes before enter the secret room and take our science project. After I take and get out,the door automatically closed as I walk downstairs.
Jiyeon: *yawn* Good morning.
Them: Good morning.

I put the board on the table in the living room before join them breakfast.
Jeongin: What time did you sleep?
Jiyeon: Around 5-6.
Mom: So you only sleep less than a hour?
Jiyeon: I think so.
Chan: You should've let us help you.
Jiyeon: You did it more than half. That's better than nothing.
Jeongin: Did you finish it?
Jiyeon: I did.
Mom: How can you focus in the class if you only slept less than a hour?
Jiyeon: I'll sleep again after we come back.
Jisung: You sure you can hold it?
Jiyeon: If not,then I just sleep in the class.
Chan: How you sleep on your first day? Even I don't dare sleep while teacher teaching.
Jiyeon: I hold as long as I can.
Mom: Better go now. You guys are going to be late.

Then we high schooler finish our breakfast and stand up.
Jiyeon: We're going now,mom,dad.
Mom: Be careful!
Dad: Okay.

Then I go back to the living room and take the board. I bring it out as my twin help me.
Jeongin: Let me bring that. Just incase you tripped.
Jiyeon: Okay.

I give it to him as he take and groaned.
Jeongin: How on earth did you bring this heavy thing?!
Jiyeon: Is it too heavy?
Jeongin: Not really,but it is heavy. Hurry,enter the car.

I enter the car as he quickly enter and put the board on his lap. He close the door and huff as we drive away.
Jiyeon: You tired already?
Jeongin: It's heavy,how did you bring it like it's nothing?
Jisung: She is Thor but female version.
Felix: Agree. *Laugh*
Seungmin: If she dye her hair and cut like Thor,she might really look like him.
Jiyeon: I would never do that.

Time skip>>

We arrived as he get out and I follow him.
Jeongin: Hey,let's bring it together.
Jiyeon: Let ME bring it.

I take it from him and smile at him.
Jeongin: No,it's too heavy.
Jiyeon: I'm good. Maybe just for you.
Jeongin: No,let's bring it together.
Jiyeon: I can do it.
Jisung: Let me help you two bring it. I'm tired hearing you bickering.

Then he take it from me and walk away.
Jeongin follow him from behind with Felix,leaving me and seungmin.
Seungmin: He will complain after he put it on table. Let's go.

He put his hand around my shoulder as we start walking. People around us start looking at us,make me weirded.
Jiyeon: Isn't this normal?
Seungmin: It's been a long time since you go to school, you changed so people think you're my girlfriend.
Jiyeon: I changed?
Seungmin: Of course,your face slowly look like mom,maybe just a little bit. But you're mature now, so your beauty make the girls jealous.
Jiyeon: Then I must be in trouble later.
Seungmin: *laugh* You won't,as long as we and your besties with you.
Jiyeon: I...somehow don't really believe that. But,I just take it.

We just continue walk to the science lab for our science class. We found a crowded lab as we walk there.
Seungmin: Excuse me.
Girl 1: Ahh,Oppa!
Girl 2: Oppa you look handsome today!
Girl 3: Seungmin Oppa!

Agent Sister//SKZ FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora