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Yumi PoV

I was walking at the hallway when suddenly someone walk with me. I stopped but he keep on walking until he realized that I'm not with him.
Beomgyu: Auh? Why did you stop?
Yumi: And why are you here? I thought you already left. *walk*
Beomgyu: Sorry, I'm just playing around you.
Yumi: I see. Apology accepted.
Beomgyu: *walk* Are you mad?
Yumi: Nope.
Beomgyu: Then why are you crossing your arms on your chest? That's what people when they're angry.

I quickly put down my hand as he laugh.
Yumi: What so funny?
Beomgyu: Nothing, it's just funny seeing you obeying my word that fast.
Yumi: *cross arms again*
Beomgyu: Fine, fine. I'm sorry.

I just keep on walking then suddenly a lollipop pop infront of me. I stopped and look at him smiling.
Beomgyu: Your prize for winning the bet. *smile*

I was about to take it but but he take it back.
Beomgyu: Don't make that face. I want to see you smile.
Yumi: *rolled eyes* like this?  *fake smile*
Beomgyu: No. Can you be more sincere about it?
Yumi: *smile*
Beomgyu: That's it. Here, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to laugh.
Yumi: I'm not angry, like I said apology accepted. *take the lollipop* thank you for this candy. *bow and smile widely*
Beomgyu: Your welcome,now let's go.

I put the lollipop inside my pocket and we continue walk to Mr. Park office.

Mr Park office

He knocked the door as we hear he ask us to come in. Beomgyu get in first as I follow him from behind. We bow at the the teacher before he told us to sit down. I look around and saw there's some student there too. We took a seat at the last two seat.

Mr. Park: Do you know why I call you all?
Us: No sir.
Mr. Park: Ms. Kim, give them the paper.

Then Ms. Kim give each us a paper and I'm the last one.
Yumi: Thank you, Ms.
Ms. Kim: No problem.
Mr. Park: You can listen while you're reading the paper.

All of them reading as I focus on his word, I decided to read it later.
Mr. Park: This year, all of you will join the athlete team and will compete in the next competition, which is about 3 months from today. So everyday, after recess time all of you with your senior will practice until the school end. We will practice for extra 2 hours before you can go home. Understand?
Us: Yes sir.
Mr. Park: We will start tomorrow. Please inform your parents about this so they won't worry about you. The paper that we give you, please ask your parents to sign it, it's their permission. Give it to Ms. Kim again tomorrow.
Us: Yes, sir.
Mr. Park: That's all. You all dismissed.

All of us stand up and bow at him before heading out.
Beomgyu: Can't believe I'm in athlete team thanks to you.
Yumi: Your welcome.
Beomgyu: I hate exercising.
Yumi: Then why you try so hard earlier?
Beomgyu: What about you? Why you try so hard too?
Yumi: I always do my best, and I don't know they we're gonna choose an athlete.
Beomgyu: Are you still gonna try your best even if you know it?
Yumi: Maybe. But don't worry, bro, We're together in this. But if I knew your parents does not allow you to join, then I'm out too. I don't want to stay if no one support and with me there.
Beomgyu: Oh, my parents will definitely sign this.
Yumi: Just like my mom.
Beomgyu: So, we're in this together.
Yumi: Yep, no more out.
Beomgyu: Then let's do our best.
Yumi: Yessa!

We separated as I walk to my locker. I take my next and last subject text book and run to my class.

I arrived and knock it. I open the door as the teacher look at me.
Teacher: Are you from this class?
Yumi: Yes, sir. I'm new here.
Teacher: I see. What's your name?
Yumi: Jeon Yumi sir.
Teacher: I'm Mr. Yang. May I know why are you late?
Yumi: I got called to Mr. Park office earlier.
Mr. Yang: I see. Please sit go to your sit.
Yumi: *bow* thank you sir.

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