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Jiyeon PoV

After make sure she die, I kneel infront of her and hold the knife.
Ryujin: Jiyeon!
Jiyeon: A second...

I close my eyes and pull out the knife.

I wipe the blood on my clothes and throw it away while breathing heavily. Beomgyu and Ryujin help me stand up while I hold my stomach.
Beomgyu: Can you hold it?!
Ryujin: Ma'am,agent B got stabbed!
Mrs. Park: Bring her to the secret room!
Jiyeon: Let's go.

Then we walk together with Mr. Park. This time we use the elevator as they let me sit on the ground while I'm hold the wound.
Beomgyu: Why did you turn around?
Jiyeon: Why did you protect me?
Beomgyu: I.. don't know. Reflex?
Jiyeon: Me too. Reflex.
Ryujin: Your reflex are no joke.
Jiyeon: Yeah, I'm suprised too. Mr. Park, can you promise me something?
Mr. Park: Yes?
Jiyeon: Don't tell my dad about this? Please.
Mr. Park: I won't. *smile*
Jiyeon: Thank you.

I smile back at him as sigh.
Ryujin: Now I wonder how will your brother react about this.
Jiyeon: I already know.
Beomgyu: I can imagine it.
Ryujin: Can you hold it?
Jiyeon: Yeah.. I'm trying. Now my six pack are gone...
Beomgyu: Wow, you got six pack? *laugh*
Ryujin: Can't imagine a six pack with cute people like you. *laugh*
Jiyeon: I'm just kidding, I'm trying to build it but I decide to not do it since it will gone anyway. *laugh*
Mr. Park: Stop laughing, it would make more blood come out.

I stopped and stand up. They hold me side by side as the door opened. We walk out as I see the staff holding the door.
Mr. Park: Go to secret room. The media will come in anytime.

Then we run to the secret room as the man in black open the door for us. We entered the room as Mrs. Park run to us.
Mrs. Park: Set a room for Agent Black immediately!

We walk to her as she stop infront of us.
Mrs. Park: Are you okay? Still can hold it?
Jiyeon: I'll try.
Mrs. Park: Follow me, you two help her.

Then we follow her as they hold me. We arrived in a room as they lay me down. Then they leave me and the nurse inject something in me and I start to feel numb and sleepy. Then I don't feel anything anymore.

Author PoV

After they get out, Mrs. Park told them to change their clothes as they go. Their wound treated before they change to their clothes. Once again, they're lucky since they wear a hoodie and long pants. They get out and wait for Jiyeon to done.
Mrs. Park: Thank you for your duty, agents. We ask for your help since the police can't handle them.
Ryujin: Do public know about this? Agents or something like that.
Mrs. Park: We try so hard to not let you get known by public. Even our agent only known around the polices. Do you want to get known?
Beomgyu: No thank you, I already had enough at school.
Ryujin: I'm not interested.
Mrs. Park: I see. How about Jiyeon?
Ryujin: This is one of our same attitude, just like me, not interested. She said it's burdensome being famous.
Beomgyu: She's not wrong about that, but I already get used to it.
Mrs. Park: Our building known to be a mall, but only the staff know about this secret room. The woman in the lobby is where you report yourself, but for the people they just place where people take their ordered stuff.
Ryujin: I see...
Beomgyu: Are this mall gonna close for a while?
Mrs. Park: Yes.

Half hour later, the doctor come out from her room. Mrs. Park walk to her and bow.
Mrs. Park: So?
Doctor: She did not got stabbed that deep but still,lose lot of blood. She's awake now.
Mrs. Park: That fast?
Doctor: I just inject a little,so after I done stitch and wrap it with bandage,she wake up. She still need to clean her other wound in her changing room.
Mrs. Park: We got that for now,the nurse who in charge of her already waiting.
Doctor: I'll tell her to go out.

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