Chapter 48: Rematch

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Izuku pov

I don't know how long it's been since Ochako and I arrived on this planet compared to how long it's been on earth, but we're hoping not to long.

We destroyed most of the forest on the planet we found and think we're ready to finally have our rematch.

"So, now that you know how to dodge and utilize other strengths besides your main, let's fight." Ochako says smugly as she throws her hands up.

"If you're ready sure." I respond with a smirk.

I turn away and start to walk back. I use last fights experience and turn around quickly. She isn't there.

I hear her snort and look around.

"You think I'm that stupid?" She says to me while laughing.

I spot her in one of the remaining trees and start to use a lightning quirk in my hand and jumping toward where I see her.

I punch at her but only feel the connection of the tree.

"Cmon now I thought you were able to be more movement based then pure strength in your quirks?" Ochako says appearing next to me and leg sweeping me.

I fall onto the ground below the tree.

"I can't be movement based when I can't even see you!" I respond cracking my shoulder.

"Then find me ya prick, with how many quirks you have and you're telling me you can't use one to locate me?" Ochako responds in a sassy manner.

"Well, yeah I guess you're right..." I respond rolling my eyes as I dodge a stray metal rod thrown from behind me.

"What quirk was that?!" I ask confused as I pick up the rod.

"Oh it's Momo's, and I have a really good memory." Ochako responds as 2 more Metal Rods fly at me.

I catch both of them and smirk.

I feel a sharp pain drive through my chest.

"Nice catch." Ochako says as I turn to see her while another rod is stuck through my stomach.

"Not cool dude." I say as regeneration heals me but keeps the rod lodged inside of me.

"Looks painful." Ochako says with a snicker.

"Nah, you get used to it Yknow?" I respond swinging at her.

She dodges under me and kicks the rod to the left making it rip through me slightly, regeneration easily heals it but it knocks me onto my side.

"Come on stop swinging so predictably, I feel like more of a teacher then training partner." Ochako says rolling her eyes.

"Then teach me." I say with a grin.

She pauses.

"What?" She says trying not to laugh.

"It was my poor attempt at a cool quip okay." I say while walking toward her.

"At least you admit it was bad." She says shrugging as she walks back away from me.

'You want me to fight smarter not harder...sure' I think to myself as I start to run at her.

I start to throw a punch at her and she scoffs before catching it. I smirk and grab her shoulders before pulling her closer to me impaling her with the rod she lodged into me.

She struggles to move as tears start to flow down her face.

"I guess you got me." She says holding back tears as she looks me in the eye.

I reach out to touch her cheek but she disappears into thin air.

"Well, technically you got me just not "Me" you know?" Ochako says pointing at herself as I see her in one of the trees.

"W-what?! How." I ask confused.

"Remember twice, that dude you killed, yeah I have his quirk but stronger, they can take more damage and I'm not insane so I know who's the real me." Ochako says smiling.

"But wanna know what this means?" Another Ochako says from behind me.

I turn to her and she smiles seductively.

"I win." Another says as she makes ice form on to the rod still lodged inside of me.

Regeneration can't work because I'm frozen.

"Forfeit, I wouldn't want to hurt you even more." Ochako says holding a blade to my neck with a straight face.

I close my eyes and raise my hands.

"Fine." I say as I open my eyes and see her lower the blade.

"I'll just have to end this then." I say as I use a telekinesis quirk to bring the blade she had in her hand into mine and take the rod out of my stomach and throw it away.

Regeneration quickly heals me and I use my switch quirk to switch with the rod I just threw away so Ochako and I weren't so close.

"Smooth eh?" I say as I turn back toward her to see her smirking.

"Not bad." She says picking up the blade she made with Momo's quirk.

"But not the best either." She says laughing a bit as she turns and punches the clone I sent to her in the face.

"You know it's hard to really outsmart me when I know most of your arsenal." She says starting to walk toward me.

"You do now?" I say with a smirk.

She snorts.

"Yup." She says as she starts to dash at me.

I start to form a ball of fire  behind my back and rip off a metal part of my belt I throw it at her and she dodges before scoffing.

"Nice shot." She says.

I switch with the metal piece and try and swing the ball of fire down onto her. She easily dodges and uses ice from her foot to freeze my right hand.

"You know stealth isn't your forte." She says smirking.

"W-what?" I say surprised.

"It's fire Izuku I could see the smoke from behind you and heat around us got higher. Not only that but the switch quirk is something we can both use and I know you aren't stupid enough to just throw a small piece of metal at me." She says.

"I also caught on that you were thinking so I had ice form at my feet while walking and you didn't even notice, be more observant or you'll die in battle." She says helping me up off of the floor and unfreezing my hand.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"You know I don't see why you aren't gonna be the god here, you're a lot better at this stuff then I am." I say frowning.

She pulls my chin up to face her.

"I mean yeah, but still it's your destiny, you'll be able to fill those shoes I promise, you'll reach a level I never could....maybe I'm not sure actually..." She says quickly questioning herself.

I chuckle and rub the back of my head.

"Yeah I guess." I mutter as I look back toward earth.

As I do I see orange all over the earth, my heart slowly sinks as I tap on Ochako's shoulder.

"I guess they didn't wait for you huh..." Ochako says as she starts to run toward our little home base.

Sorry this took so long to come out and that it wasn't even much, but my motivation for everything is kind of low. I'm not gonna make any promises I can't keep but hopefully I'll upload more of these again more consistently.

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