Chapter 20: Manipulating the Manipulator

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Izuku pov

It's the first day of the internships and Ochako and I are on a train to hosu city.

"Are you excited?" She asks me as she sways her feet up and down.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Gran Torino in a while so it'll be cool." I say with a smile.

"Yeah! I haven't seen him since right before I go-" I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth.

"We're in public!" I say holding one of my fingers to my mouth.

She blushes and nods.

"But yeah, it's been a while." She says nervously laughing.

"It'll be fun, since we're both stronger than him." She says with a grin.

I snort.

"That doesn't mean it'll be easy." I say putting my hand on hers.

"Yeah I guess." She says smiling at me.

Once we arrive at Gran Torino's apartment we walk in and see him on the floor with ketchup surrounding him.

If we weren't aware of his antics we would've probably thought he w- my thoughts get cut off by Ochako.

"OH MY GOD IS HE DEAD?!" She screams running up to him.

I snort and start to laugh.

"IZUKU THIS ISNT FUNNY HES DEAD!" She screams at me.

I walk over and pull his cape up a bit revealing ketchup under it.

"He's either messing with us or he fell asleep." I say throwing the ketchup bottle in the trash.

"It was the latter." Gran Torino says getting up and brushing off the ketchup.

"Thank god you aren't dead." Ochako says hugging him.

"Ah young Ochako I haven't seen you in so long." He says hugging her back.

"And Izuku, it's good that you knew I wasn't dead, you clearly learnt something from all our U.A training." He says walking to me and reaching out a hand.

I shake his hand and smile.

"Yeah Gran Torino I've used our training to my advantage." I say before feeling him squeeze my hand.

He throws me into the wall behind us and I land on my head with my legs against the wall (like when he was kicked into the wall in the anime).

"Yet you still don't have the best reaction time." He says with a laugh.

Ochako laughs at me before I feel her body smash against mine on the wall.

"Don't think I'm giving you any slack either Ochako, you are less experienced with my training so it's gonna be harder for you." Gran Torino says with a smirk.

"Owww..." I hear Ochako mumble as she falls off of me.

"Anyways let's get to work!" Gran Torino says as he cleans up the ketchup off of the floor.

"Okay." Ochako and I say in unison.


Izuku pov

After a day of training I have already gotten used to using one for all full cowling at 30%. The only reason I haven't tried 100% is because stacked onto my Normal strength I'd spontaneously explode.

"So do you wanna go to the doctor you wanted to see?" Ochako asks me taking off her sweatshirt.

"Yeah sure, I do wanna talk to him." I say taking off my sweatshirt.

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