Chapter 29: Return to Japan

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Ochako pov one month later

I stumble to the ground and cough up blood.

'Damnit...' I think to myself as I wipe blood off of my lip.

"Give up, you will never find him." Dabi says to me as he starts to send more fire to me.

"I can't!" I yell back while dodging his flames.

"I won't give up! I have to find him even if it takes my life!" I say using smokescreen as much as I can.

My vision blurs and I limp toward Dabi.

'Bastard...' I think to myself.

I activate fa Jin and use 100% one for all combined with all the energy I have for fa Jin.

I kick through the smoke and see Dabi with a sadistic smile on his face.

'Detroit smash!' I yell in my mind as I throw a punch at him.

The force of my punch sends him back a bit.

"You really are an idiot, dying for some stupid purpose, whatever, I'm out." Dabi says before disappearing.

I slowly fall to my knees.

"You need rest 9th." En says to me from the vestige world.

"I know...but I need to find him." I say getting up and pulling down my mask.

"I have to find Shigaraki." I say to myself activating one for all again.

Before I can jump away one for all deactivates.

"What the hell!" I say to the vestiges as in real life I space out.

"You can't do this 9th." Banjo says with a frown.

"I agree with them." Izuku says walking out from next to Nana.

"Izuku..." I say walking to him.

"I'm on my way to Japan, I said stay safe and this is not what I call safe, meet me at the U.A roof in 2 hours." He says .

I nod and he smiles.

"I'm happy I'll get to see you again." He says with a small laugh.

I nod.

"Same..." i say trying to smile but to no avail.

"Ochako..." He says.

"Hm?" I say confused.

"I missed you." He says.

"Missed you too." I say before leaving the vestige world.

"But sorry, I need to do something before we meet again." I say to myself before limping away from the fight scene.

Izuku pov

"So, we're almost there?" Star asks looking out of the window.

I nod.

"Like an hour and a half." I say looking at my phone.

'Please don't do anything stupid Ochako...' I think to myself before closing my phone.

"So how are you feeling about meeting all might?" I ask star as she scrolls through her phone.

"I'm really excited! He's been my hero since I was just a little girl." She says putting down her phone and smiling.

"Didn't you tell me he saved you once?" I ask.

"Yeah, i was just a little girl and I didn't know how my quirk could be used so I was bullied for being useless, but then when I was out of high school I trained with my boys in the military and made good use of my quirk." She says with a smile.

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