Chapter 43: A lost Soul found

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Izuku pov

I'm jumping through the city and notice things around me becoming different.

I smirk and use smoke screen to block out my own vision. I remember where the tallest building is so jumping from building to building going to it while blind will be easy.

I reach the top of the skyscraper and stop using smokescreen.

"Come on out." I say to no one.

"I know someone's here!" I say as the scenery changes to the dorms half destroyed.

"You did this." A voice says from behind me.

I turn and punch the air using one for all.

Nothing happens.

"I didn't do shit!" I say as I see all of class 1-A walk out of an elevator.

"You think I'm stupid or something?" I say laughing to myself.

"Yes." The voice responds.

"Bakugo would never comply with going in an elevator with that many pe- wait what?! I'm not stupid!" I yell in an angry tone.

"YEAH YOU ARE YOU DAMN NERD!" The fake Bakugo yells.

"Damn you got his personality down perfect huh?" I say laughing as I charge up one for all.

"What are you doing?" I hear Aizawa say from behind me.

I turn to see him with his scarf on and smirk.

"Nice try." I say before sending the real Aizawa's quirk and wrapping it around the fake one.

He tries to move but I stop time.

I jump behind him and kick his neck.

I touch his shoulder and he gets sent a few feet away onto the ground.

"Gah damnit." The voice says.

'So it is him.' I think to myself as I run at him.

"So, who are you really?" I say as I punch him in the ribs sending him to the edge of the building.

"Why isn't it working!" He yells as he looks at his hands.

"So it was a quirk, time is stopped, you can't change things in my view or yours because nothing is happening in reality." I say smirking as I grab his hand and snap it.

"FUCK!" He screams as he holds his hand.

"Don't worry, recovery girl is a great person, she'll fix you up before we send you to prison!" I say punching him in the face making a tooth come out.

"You think this is over? I have people everywhere kid!" He says as he deactivates his quirk.

He's a man not much older then me. He has brown hair and purple eyes.

"You have people everywhere but no one is going to save you from prison. You're lucky I'm not gonna kill you!" I say squeezing his jacket.

He laughs.

"You're so lucky kid, you have this quirk, you're perfect! I was born with no quirk!" He says tearing up as he laughs.

"They bullied me, they almost killed me, but then he arrived, he saved me and gave me this quirk, but then you killed him!" He says with venom dripping out of his voice as he grabs my wrist and squeezes it.

My heart sinks.

'All for one gave him his quirk didn't he...' I think to myself.

"It's not worth it." I say.


"He didn't, he gave you the power but now it's yours, he's gone he can't control you anymore! You can be a hero!" I say crying a bit.

'He's just like how I was, he's the result of what I would've been if all might didn't save me that day.' I think to myself as tears fall onto his jacket.

"No I can't, I've done to much!" He says trying to get away from me.

"No! I promise! I'll get you into a rehabilitation program, you can be a great person, I promise!" I say trying to convince him.

"It's either there or prison dude, and prison isn't fun." I say acting like I know from experience.

His tears overflow and he just starts crying louder.

"Please! Help me Deku!" He says crying as he clutches on my hero suit.

I bring him into a hug.

"It's never to late, you can do it." I say comforting him.

"B-but what if I can't?" He mutters.

"Don't doubt yourself, you have an awesome quirk and it'd be amazing especially for interrogation!" I say with a small laugh.

He laughs a bit too.

I pull away and decide to use a healing quirk on his wrist.

"I'm sorry for breaking your wrist..." I say rubbing the back of my head.

He laughs and wiped tears off of his face.

"Don't worry, I should be the one apologizing, I'm sorry I made you see all those bad things, I shouldn't have done it." He says bowing down.

"You're right you shouldn't have but, use your powers for good from now on and I'll forgive you okay?" I say patting his back.

He straightens his posture and nods with a smile.

He holds out his hand.

"Im Yurei Hideki, it's nice to meet you." He says laughing a bit.

I smile and nod before taking his hand.

"Izuku Midorya, the pleasures mine." I say before starting time again.

The fake class disappears and Aizawa jumps out from the shadows.

"I see you've worked it out?" He says being cautious.

"Yeah, turns out he's just been misguided." I say as I put a hand on Hideki's shoulder.

Hideki bows at Aizawa.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble for you and the others at U.A high school." He says.

"I was hoping we could get him in a rehabilitation program at U.A, I think his quirk would be perfect." I say to Aizawa as I keep an eye on Hideki.

"I can arrange that." Aizawa says nodding.

"Oh, and can you snitch on your people for me? I think they can be rehabilitated as well." I say to Hideki.

He nods and smiles.

"Thank you for this opportunity." He says bowing.

"No need to be so formal dude." I say nervously laughing.

He laughs as well as it starts raining.

"Well Midorya, it seems you will have the night off and start helping me rebuild the dorms tomorrow." Aizawa says with a sly grin.


(Hope y'all like the name Yurei Hideki, yurei means ghost and Hideki means excellence and I made it that because in my mind I interpret it as unseen excellence, hope it makes sense lol, first oc in the story so I don't wanna mess it up.)

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