Chapter 45: Leaving again

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Izuku pov

"You're here!" I say as I jump up and wrap my arms around Ochako.

"Yeah hey...I missed you." She responds laughing.

"Where'd you go? I was worried sick!" I say accidentally getting louder.

"I got teleported to a different universe! It was so cool I met you except you were this thing called Spider-man!" She says enthusiastically.

"Wait so while I was going through an existential crisis you were talking to a different me?" I say with a straight face.

"Wait what happened to you?" She asks suddenly getting worried.

"Well there's this person named Yurei Hideki and he made illusions of Shigaraki, you dying, bunch of other shit, and I couldn't tell what was real until Aizawa found me. For a little while I was a fugitive and if you open the door you'll see what I did." I say pointing to the dorms door.

She walks over and opens it to see a huge crater where dorm rooms used to be.

"Holy shit, all of that happened in one day?!" She says in a surprised voice.

I nod.

"Today actually." I say with a shaky smile.

"Wait so what happened to the guy who did this to you?" She asks me as she walks back over and sits next to me.

"Well, Aizawa and I baited him into revealing himself and I found out that he was tricked by all for one into becoming a villain and was born quirkless and bullied for it. I saw myself in him, like i could've been like him if not your father had saved me." I say looking down and clenching my fist.

She leans over and hugs me from the side.

"I'm proud you didn't kill him...or anything like that." She says slightly fumbling her words.

"Yeah I tried." I say laughing a bit.

"I don't like this Izuku..." She says to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I rub her back.

"You always being in danger, like I know we're hero's and all but you're destiny is to become a god...and the whole challenge stuff just doesn't sit right with me..." She says.

"Trust me...I've been thinking the same, putting everyone else in danger because of my fathers selfish antics isn't fun, and I don't want to do it but what's the point of fighting it?" I ask while frowning.

She pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"You determine where you'll be in the future, c-can't you become the aggressor instead of just waiting for him to send people down to fight you?" She asks me with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"But didn't you want me to stay out of danger?" I ask confused.

"I do but...he's up there planning and even if you try to avoid it, he'll end up killing others..." She says putting her hand on my arm.

'If I stop him earlier he won't attack earth anymore...but if I train and unlock my full potential then I could beat anything he sends to me....right?' I think to myself.

"I'd rather you face him head on then have you deal with the pressure of everyone here's lives basically in your hands..." She says to me as she rubs her thumb on my arm.

"But what if I can't? He's sending threats that I can barely handle, if he can control them he's probably hundreds maybe thousands of times stronger!" I say shaking my head.

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