Chapter 19: Doctor Drama

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Izuku pov

"All to one?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"What we've seen is that your body contains every single quirk in the world, why you haven't been able to access these is beyond our comprehension though. Once you do unlock the ability to use these quirks it will most likely be chosen which you use, just like a normal quirk." Nana says in a low voice.

"Every quirk?" I say my eyes widening.

"Even body altering ones??" Ochako asks.

"Well those I'm pretty sure would have came into effect by now, so I'd assume he had capability to change into say, a frog, but he can't do it unless he wants to." Nana says.

"So I have every quirk?!" I say confused.

"Is that why he has one for all?!" Ochako asks nana.

"Yeah...that is why." Nana responds looking back up at us.

"Wow..." I mutter in disbelief.

'Every single quirk....'

"So Izuku gonna have all the quirks right, does that mean....all for one?" Ochako asks before I wake up in the real world to a knock on my door.

I walk over and open it to see mom with a plate in her hands.

"Hey Izuku, I brought dinner if you wanna eat in here with your little girlfriend." She says teasing me.

I blush and smile.

"Thanks mom, I appreciate it." I say before she closes the door and I go back to Ochako.

She brought us waffles, nice.

I walk over and eat my portion of waffles and wait for Ochako to wake up, I assume she's in the vestiges realm still.

Ochako pov

"Izuku must've waken up." I say to the vestiges.

"Yeah, he probably did, maybe his connection to the quirk isn't as good as yours?" Nana says to me.

"That is possible, you have used the quirk a lot more." The 5th says to me.

I nod.

"Maybe, although hasn't he technically had one for all since his quirk would've first awakened?" I ask confused.

"Yes he has essentially but he never had access to his quirk until now, even still something won't let him activate all of the quirks, I just don't know what." Nana says.

"Maybe we should have him go back to the doctor he found out he was quirkless at? Maybe he made a mistake?" I ask looking over at the 5th who looks like he's got something to say.

"It could've not been a mistake! What if the doctor knew his quirk was to powerful and decided it'd be best if he didn't know!" The 5th says making my eyes widen.

"He needs to see that doctor!" I say before I leave the one for all realm.

I see him next to me on his phone, next to me is a full plate of waffles.

"Waffles?" I say out loud.

"Yeah, breakfast for dinner." He says with a grin.

I smile a bit and nod.

"Sounds good." I say picking up the fork and eating.

"Oh by the way we need to go see the doctor that diagnosed you quirkless when you were a kid." I say after swallowing a waffle.

"Why's that?" He asks putting down his phone.

"Well, your quirk all in one is really powerful and I wanted to see if it had randomly developed that's why you can't use it all or if the doctor messed with it to stop you from having such a powerful quirk." I say putting down my fork.

"That would make sense, yeah, let's go." He says getting up and getting his shoes on.

"Let me finish eating at least!" I say before stuffing my face with the rest of the waffles.

Izuku pov

After she finishes her waffles we walk out of the house.

"Mom I'm going to the doctors." I yell while walking out with Ochako's hand in mine.

"Okay! Be safe!" She yells back before the door closes.

We walk away and to the doctors office, inside I ask for the doctors name.

"Uhm yes is doctor Tsubasa here?" I ask putting my hands on the front desk.

"Uhm, no he doesn't work here anymore I'm sorry. He works in an office over in hosu city if you'd like me to call an appointment for you." The woman says typing on her computer.

"Uhm no thank you but could I have the address to that doctors office?" I ask before taking out my phone.

"Of course" she says before reading out the address.

Once I have it saved in my phone Ochako and I go back home.

I get a call and it's from Gran Torino.

"Hello?" I say as I answer the phone.

"Hey kid, I know you're gonna come to my place in hosu to train for the internships correct?" He asks me.

"Yeah that was the plan." I respond.

"Well, I found out you and Toshinoris kid are pretty close so if you want to bring her along to train as well, that could be arranged." He says.

"That'd be great!" Ochako says making me drop my phone.

"Alright well that's all, see you guys soon." He says before hanging up.

"Gah damnit my phones broken." I say giving Ochako a dirty look.

She nervously chuckles.

"Sorry about that." She says nervously.

I get a text and try and read it through my cracked phone.

"It's his address, good thing I can actually read it!" I say glaring back at Ochako.

She laughs again and we walk inside.

"Hey mom!" I say seeing her on the couch with a small cat.

"A CAT?!" Ochako says running up to her and grabbing the cat.

"AWE YOUR SO CUTE!" She says hugging the cat.

"Where'd you get the cat?" I ask mom as she watches Ochako.

"I found it outside of the apartments and when no one else knew who's it was I took it. Of course I put up missing signs in the apartment complex." She says petting the cat who's still in Ochako's arms.

"So no we have a cat?" I ask hopefully.

"Yup!" She responds as I start to smile more.

"Yay!" Ochako says as she runs into my room with the cat.

"She seems to like the cat huh." Mom says with a laugh.

"Yeah don't worry, you'll have time with the cat when we're at school." I say smiling.

She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you Izuku." She says to me.

"Huh?" I say looking back to her.

"I mean it, you've come so far and you still have so much time to improve." She says hugging me.

I smile and tear up a bit.

"Thank you mom." I say as a few tears flow down my face.

I didn't know it at the time but those were the words I needed to hear for so long. From this point on I was more honest with myself, I stopped pretending to be cold, I stopped being "Bakugo 2.0" or "liar-zuku" and I started acting like who I really am. Yes that includes the all might fan boy.

I would love to say that this lasted long and that I was happy but, darkness was soon to rise.

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