Chapter 9: USJ

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Izuku pov

"So dude when are you gonna talk to the other's." Kaminari asks me as I sit at the back of the bus on the way to the USJ.

"Yeah man, you're so strong but you're like anti social, well with the exception of Uraraka." Kirishima adds as I yawn.

"I don't wanna talk to people that much, is that really a problem? Eventually we'll probably become friends but I'm not the type to trust immediately anymore." I respond looking out the window.

'I mean I did trust Ochako quick but that's because she's also my idols daughter so I wouldn't have to worry about her being a scumbag.' I think to myself.

"I mean I kind of get that, I've seen your relationship with Bakugo..." Sero says after clearly eaves dropping, although everyone was looking at me anyways.

"What is the deal with you and Uraraka huh?" Mineta says with a pervy smile.

I give him an angry look.

"Cmon give us the juicy details Midorya!" Mineta says still being persistent.

"Fuck off midget! There's nothing going on!" I snap at him.

Everyone looks at me and I roll my eyes and look out of the window again.

"Perv..." I hear Ochako mumble.


The bus slows to a stop.

"Okay class, follow me." Aizawa says as the bus opens its door.

We all walk into the USJ and group up with Aizawa and the pro hero thirteen.

"Damn they even got fake villians." Kaminari says looking past the two teachers.

I look over and see hundreds of villains in the back, there's 2 people in the middle, one has hands on his face and the other looks like purple gas, weird.

"Those aren't fake." Aizawa says looking at us.

"WHAT?!" Mineta screams.

"Get back you idiots!" Aizawa yells as he jumps up onto a rail.

'What the hell...should I stop this?' I think to myself as I walk up next to the rail that Aizawa is on.

"MIDORYA GET BA-" I stop time cutting him off.

I walk over to the guy with hands on his face, I run up behind him and start time.

'Gotta find out what his quirk is.' I think to myself as the man starts to speak.

"Where'd that green brat go?" He says taking a hand off of his face.

"MIDORYA WHERED YOU GO!" I hear some of my classmates yelling.

Aizawa jumps down to where the hand man is and tries to punch him. The man reaches out and touches Aizawa's arm. My eyes widen as I see aizawas finger start to disintegrate, not even a second later I stop time. I run up to the person and throw a punch, as I punch I start time and he goes flying a few yards away.

"MIDORYA!" Aizawa yells to me.

"I get it I shouldn't fight, but guess what I'm already here so there's no stopping me now!" I say back as I run at hand man.

I punch him in the gut making him spit up blood.

"What the hell are you!" I ask.

He smiles and laughs a bit.

"As if a little kid could kill me!" He yells back.

"Nomu get him!" He continues.

His smile sends shivers down my spine. Next thing I know I get punched in the gut harder than I even knew was possible. I get sent flying toward the rest of the students.

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