My breath hitched. Miliani was on the ground with her head plopped on Kylie's legs, Kylie looked beaten, her t-shirt has a huge slit on the sleeve and a deep gash was on her arm that was bleeding. it looked like she was in a fight wit someone.

 When I saw Miliani, I lost my control.

Kneeling down in front of her body I took a hold of her hand. they were cold. please be okay

"What happened here?" I asked while shaking Mili, she didn't move an inch; her face was pale and coated with sweat. "I called her to pick me up, he told me to call her an-and he hit me when i-I refused. I called mi-Miliani and she came and i-I, she got scared and he said-said som-something about Layla and than, he ki-kis-... she fainted Caim and I got so sc-scared. The guy ha-had a gun" I couldn't understand what Kylie was saying, fear was getting best out of her.

"We need to go. Can you stand up?" I asked her before scooping Miliani in my arms. Her head rolled to the side and rested on my chest before she made a small sound in her throat. My hands tightened on her body. "you're okay, i'm here" i whispered in her ear.

Kylie stood up and we quickly walked out of the bathroom, people stared at us when we passed the sea of people, Kylie bowed her head and silently walked out of the Bar, I unlocked my car and settled Miliani in the passenger seat and opened the gate for Kylie as her hand was injured.

I pulled the same blanket that Miliani has used several time before Kylie could sit inside. When she was in I closed the door and walked back to Miliani and covered her body with the blanket, it eased me a little when I saw her snuggling into the blanket like always.

Kylie watched all of this from the back seat but didn't say anything, once I was sure that Mili is warm and safe, I pulled the car form the side and drove to Mili's house. On the way there I called Lucas and told him everything before telling him to call Karlos and Ailee and meet us at Miliani's house.

It took me a few minute before I was parking in front of the cream walled, two story house. I climbed out of the car and opened Kylie's door first so she can climb out and then went to Miliani before lifting her up in my arms and headed towards the main door, Ailee and Karlos were already there. I could see Ailee standing a few feet away from Lucas who noticed the space as well, as I can see the furrow of his brows as he looked towards Ailee.

When they saw me walking towards them Ailee quickly told Karl to take Miliani from me, it pained me to give her away but I know after knowing who I am it was the reaction I expected from her. Ailee unlocked the main door and we all walked inside, I saw Ailee flinch when I got a little closer to her while we stepped inside.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Lucas asked me once we were all inside and Ailee and Karlos were busy lying down Miliani on the couch, my heart was hurting from being this close and not able to touch her. 

"I don't know but I got a call from Kylie through Mili's phone and she told me to pick them up, I went to the bar they were in and found her on the floor" I gulped down the bitter taste of worry. 

"What happened, Kylie?" I heard Ailee asking her while she dressed her wound. Kylie was too quiet, since we have entered Mili's house Kylie has been staring at Miliani's face. at first I thought it was because she was scared but when her stare lingered a little too long I guessed it was something else.

"Ailee, not right now; we can talk about this tomorrow. Right now they both need rest" Karl interrupted. he was right, both Kylie and Mili looked spent.

"I think you should go home, Karl and I will stay here" the sentence was directed towards us. I looked at Ailee, her eyes were staring at the wall behind me.

Shaking my head I took a step forward so I can walk over to Miliani, if Ailee wants me out, than she has another thing coming because I am not going anywhere leaving Miliani alone, "I am not going anywhere unless she tells me to" I pointed towards Mili.

After how I saw her in the bathroom, I won't be able to stay sane if I go back to my home. My worries wouldn't let me sleep.

Ailee glared at me when I walked all the way to the front of the couch and squatted down, Mili looked serene but I know inside her mind she's battling for something. Her pale face is giving everything away that she was panicking over something.

I scooped her up in my arms and headed towards her room. Ailee followed me with anger written on her features and Karlos was confused at her behavior. I wasn't affected though; all I wanted to do was climb inside the bed with her and for the last time sleep, just sleep with her warmth cocooning me.

Placing her on the bed, I covered her with a blanket and settled next to her on the bed. Ailee was furious, Karlos was confused, Kylie was silent more than usual and lucas looked worried and uncomfortable but the only thing matter to me is the girl lying beside me. my girl.

i was ready to listen to Ailee telling me off, i was ready to listen to Miliani shoving me away while calling me names but if its her that's on the stake, i wont go anywhere but towards her. Miliani doesn't know that when i hate, i hate with every fiber of my being and when i love, i love with all my heart and i love her, i love her so freaking much that if it means going away and loving her from afar ill do it.

her eyes were closed, breathing even. She looked like a fallen angel and I was lucky that when I decided to feel something it was for this girl.

I was happy that she was the first person to ever see the inside of my heart; it was filled with love for her.

I was filled with love for her.

She doesn't know it but Caim Salvatore has given his heart to Miliani snow and he doesn't want it back.


hello lovelies

Caim is adamant on not leaving Mili. the story is going to go down in he few chapters, the plot is finally coming towards the end, just a few more chapters and we'll be done with Caim.

i hope you like this chapter,

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until next time,


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