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"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Thank you for joining us for this very special program. You will have the chance to witness the victory of our great leader, HawkMoth!" Prime Queen announced on the news, on her new chopper flying close to the eiffel tower where the man himself was.

"Hail Hawkmoth...!"

The akumatized victims chorused, like it was a usual thing. As if Hawkmoth was always the dictator of the city. "Today... shall be known as villains day!" He'd declare as a loud cheer could be heard.


"T-this is... this is impossible...! There's plenty of them!" Carapace analyzed, scanning the line of akuamrized victims with his goggles."How did... how could Hawkmoth do this?" Honeybee gulped, gripping her arm so tightly.

Rena Rouge got back from scouting the premises, but the emotion she displayed wasn't a good sign."There's... 12 at the front praising him, he assembled most of the giants there...but most of the smaller ones are stationed every direction we could take to go to the eiffel tower." She'd report, Chat Noir glanced at the silent Scarlet Luck.

"Any ideas Carapace?" Chat Noir turned to the pondering turtle hero, he was too focused."I... can't think of any... there's too many of them... and if we take the usual route then one of them will eventually send a distress signal..." He'd ramble, panicking slightly.

"No matter which path we take we'll still be spotted." Honeybee spoke up, causing Carapace to despair, that made her regret bringing it up.

The morale of the team was too low, Chat Noir had noticed. His eyes wandered to each member, each were scared and afraid of what might happen. It eventually fell to Scarlet Luck that even now was completely silent,

"Guys come on, Scar and I beat them once and now there's 5 of us. We can do this." Chat Noir cheered, the members stare at him in confusion."All we have to do is beat the big bad boss which is Hawkmoth, the rest are just mobs." He'd stand up, aiming his baton at the giants below.

"I say we make the giants fight each other first, we'll start with gigantitan and gorizilla." He'd start the first phase of the plan, they'd listen in until the black cat didn't know how to continue anymore."After we got the giants handled, I'll take care of the ranged ones. Chat you'll be with me." The black cat fistbumped with him.

"I'll use mirage to-"

"Don't do that."

An unfamiliar voice sent chills down their spines, turning to the source to see an also confused Scarlet Luck covering her mouth. It wasn't hers, it sounded more older and wiser but she was sure the voice came out of her mouth. "A-as I was saying..." She'd attempt to recover, they weren't convinced.

"If one of us does get captured... then we'll be risking Hawkmoth possibly grabbing your miraculous. And it's very detrimental to detransform in the middle of the battle." She'd speak up, they'd look over to her.

"Bug and I can stay transformed for 10 minutes after using our abilities, you guys only have 5 minutes..." Chat pondered, confused at where she's getting at. "Timing is key, and here's the follow up plan after that." She'd smile.


Hawkmoth grew restless, where were they...? What were they waiting for? Are they waiting for the right moment...? No matter... he prepared for this and there will be no blindspots in his perfect plan!

Bickering, and more Bickering || Season 2 Complete!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora