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Marinette had yelled, running desperately as she ran into an alley. No way out as her eyes widened, shivering as she turned to see two villains after her. Stormy Weather smirked, flying in as she pointed her weapons at her.

"Any last words Marinette...?" Stormy Weather laughed, a laugh that echoed so loud."No...!" The weather girl shot from her umbrella, trapping Marinette's limbs in ice blocks.

"Not so fast there...!"

A voice had interrupted, not only to reveal a mask cladded stranger. His skin had been pale, light grayish purple, and his hair is brushed back while colored orange with purple tips. On his head he has a dark purple beret, and on his face, he has a deep violet butterfly-shaped mask, and his eyes are moderate cyan.

He wears a white jumpsuit with dark purple stripes and solid dark purple legs that become red halfway down his lower legs.
A black drawing tablet is attached to the back of his right forearm. His pen is silver towards the tip, with the end being black with a red stripe in the middle.

"Oh my God... it's Super Nathan!" Marinette had been in glee, hope in her eyes as the superhero had only winked at her.

Super Nathan only grinned, twirling his pen as he instantly erased Stormy Weather's parasol. The weather girl surprised as she was baffled at her weapon's sudden disappearance, she didn't have time to react as she was suddenly in a cage.

The superhero showed the contents of his tablet, the same cage she was trapped in. He quickly erased the ice blocks as Marinette instantly swooned for him.

"Nice work Super Nathan, definitely better than this cat over here." Scarlet Luck had appeared, yoyo'ing in she placed her hands on her hips.

"Don't listen to the bug Super Nathan, you and I could be the duo. Leave the bug alone." Chat Noir jumped in, the two butted heads.

While the two had bickered Marinette had leaned in,"My hero...!" She'd awe, snuggling up to him as he only smiled."It was nothing." He'd be humble, she'd suddenly lean in close her eyes narrowing. "I love you." She confessed, words the superhero just wanted to hear."And I love you too." He'd smile, reciprocating his beloved.

He leaned in close, tha gap between them slowly narrow-

"Nathaniel! What are you drawing...?!"

The redhead flinched, dropping his pen to see the professor glare at him from her desk, quickling shuffling his drawings into his bag.

"U-uh... I-"

"And these artistic endeavors are clearly why you're failing science...!" Her professor had nagged, her displeasure evident when the subject she teaches isn't interesting to her students. "I-I'm sorry..." He apologized quickly, his head hung low.

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that checked scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!"

He quickly stood up, shuffling as he hurriedly held his messy bag. But the artist fell over, her legs wobbly from the nervse and the attention. It was the last thing he wanted as his sketched flied out.

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