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Gabriel Agreste had been at his office, he had just finished reading over some files as he turned on his monitor. He'd open the ladyblog, examining every video as he paused on a video of Chat Noir waving at the camera and leave.

However he'd pause the video at the right moment when his hand could be visible, zooming in on the part of where his ring was. Then, he'd have his son's newly made ad campaign. Swiping the screen as his son's silver ring was zoomed in. Nathalie never had a record of a silver ring, Adrien didn't buy this with money.

Where could he possibly have found this ring?

The stoic man had a hunch but he wished he was wrong. That couldn't possibly happen, he'd call for Adrien's bodyguard as the buffed man came in.

He just needed to make sure.

"Where's Adrien?" He'd question him, the butler only replied with his usual answer. The son was obediently in his room. The negligent father would've accepted that but not now, not when his son could possibly be not what he seems.

He'd walk past the bodyguard, surprising him as he walked in a fast pace. He'd hear the sound of the piano as he opened it, he widened his eyes to only see his son's phone playing piano while the window had been open.

His own son escaped...!

"WHERE IS HE?" He's turn to his assistant and the bodyguard, they'd be as stunned and surprised as him."W-we don't know sir we didn't know that he'd-"

"GO FIND HIM!" He'd shout, they'd frantically nod their heads and left while Gabriel grabbed the phone that played the piano melody. He wanted to crush this little device badly, so badly that he didn't notice the notification on the phone.

[Reminder: Mother's film reshowing.]

꧁ ☘︎♧︎︎︎☘︎꧂

Adrien looked around the corner, trying to mask his presence entirely. The blonde model was currently the hot topic with the ad and perfume line that heavily features him.

"Adrien?! The Adrien Agreste?! This is awesome!"

The teenager winced as he turned to see a lookalike of him, a fan he always knew since that guy was so eager with his fanboyism. He'd only laugh nervously, mumbling a small bye and speedwalked out of there. But the fanboy didn't get the memo and still chased after him.

"The first time I saw you in that ad, I told myself, "Wayhem, I got to meet this guy. He's so cool!". What if I was, like, your biggest fan?" He'd ramble, Adrien sunk even more until he was pulled over by the shoulder."Say cheese!" He'd snap the photo, the blonde was blinded by the flash as he rubbed his eyes."Me-and-Adrien. This-is-the-best-day-of-my-life!"

"N-no don't post it on the...!" He saw his screen, the photo already posted as he sighed."...The Internet." Adrien could hear the notifications on his phone wilding as he looked at the streets, his fear rising as he saw the familiar car from afar.

"Hold up! Could you autograph my cologne bottle of Adrien?" The fanboy's voice quickly snapped his head back to him, he'd stare in horror as he also brought out a life sized cut out of him."And my life-size cutout?" The model looked behind the cutout to see the car nearing them.

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