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Nino Lahiffe had often spent his time crossing this certain street in Paris even if it took him more time to go home, it was all thanks to a certain old man he'd spend time with. The young teenager had been fascinated to converse with the old man as he always had so many stories to tell, and here he was currently — listening to him ramble about fabled ingredients Nino could swear never existed.

"And then there had also existed the jade of the slothful turtle resting on top of the mountain." He'd ramble once again, Fu had always been the talkative person even after becoming a guardian. Nino had rose his brow confused, but still nodded nonetheless to entertain this certain fellow. He had apparently gone by the name "Chan", insisting the youngster to call him with Mr. Chan.

"What does... the jade of the slothful turtle do?" He'd question, Fu only gave a small smile in return."It was considered the weakest mineral, representing an animal nobody could ask for." He'd be surprisingly blunt even surprising Nino as he took a step back, did this old man have a vendetta against turtles...?

"In that story you tell...? It seems cool." He answered carelessly, not knowing the bigger picture as Fu stared at him blankly."But compared to a mighty dragon? It pales in comparison young one," He'd have a low chuckle soon grimacing as the young dj had a look of disbelief."Mr. Chan is this a test where I have to say to not underestimate the turtle...?" He'd question him, because that's what the old man usually did. But this time he didn't agree to that statement. Fu had stayed silent, contemplating over something. Moments had passed and Nino felt like he made it awkward between them, don't blame him he asked a valid question...!

Fu had promptly stood up, eye levels equal as Nino stayed on his side of the bench. The old man had a game changing poker face as the side of his mouth twitched upright.

"To you, how powerful could the jade of the slothful turtle ever be?"

Nino furrowed his arching brows, he answered the question in such a roundabout way that he couldn't understand the old man's intentions. What reason could he possibly ask such a question?


He blinked, and that old man was gone entirely.

꧁ ☘︎♧︎︎︎☘︎꧂

Marinette had shuffled nervously, her hands fidgeting on the hem of her sleeve. The bluenette could only stare as the rockstar sensation of Paris himself, Jagged Stone was at the family bakery failing to knead the dough. She certainly wasn't expecting his assistant to call her, wasn't expecting for Jagged Stone's entourage when she opened their door that Saturday morning, and certainly wasn't expecting the rock star himself to volunteer on baking.

Here she was, stood at the sidelines as she gave a thumbs up to her camera shy of a dad. The teenager couldn't afford to be anxious when there was a nervous wreck just beside her, the chewing of the pen to the tight gripping on her notebook it was painfully obvious that Jagged Stone's assistant, Miss Penny looked like she was the one kneading that dough.

"Calm down, Fang." She'd whisper to the leashed crocodile, Jagged Stone's dear beloved as it was at the mercy of the lady that held the end of it's restraints (more like she was at it's mercy because it only took a crocodile going mad to ruin her idea)."Are you okay, Miss Penny?" Marinette surprised the woman, quickly turning to see the teenager looked at her worriedly. Now she even looked pathetic in front of her, Penny quickly nodded to reassure her.

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