L' Belleur

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"Dude, seriously? Has your dad always been such a downer? You'd think he'd at least remember what it was like to be young and wanna party a little." It had been Nino that complained, blowing bubbles as he narrowed his eyes at his newly turned best friend.

Expressing his concern and anger for his friend as the blonde boy had been Ţd his father had just rejected his own son's request to hold a birthday party.

"No, I'm pretty sure he was a downer back then too. Well, atleast I tried." He shrugged, giving up as Nino had been concerned for him. Did he have to be angry for him...?!

"It's your b-day dude! I insist!" Nino had been persistent, placing an arm around his shoulder as comfort. The model only gave a small smile in return but had a look of restraint.

"You know what, I'm gonna have a lil' convo with your pops!" Adrien had been surprised, a glint of hope shimmering in his eyes until the realization had dawned on him.

"...Don't waste your time. He's not gonna change his mind." He spoke up bitterly, Nino had drooped as he sighed.

"What...?! Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday!" Chloe who had looked through the school doors as she peeked, Sabrina who had been beside her had showed her the tablet. She felt a nudge in her purse, she'd wince.

"Ugh, do I have to do everything myself?!" She groaned, stepping out. Sabrina had whimpered as she felt a nudge in her purse, she'd open it slightly to reveal Tikki.

"You forgot your own best friend's birthday...?!" The kwami had reminded her, sighing as the blonde rolled her eyes."Well I was busy, you know... being Paris' superhero..?" She whispered into her purse,


She'd quickly close her purse as she was getting near, seeing a nervous Marinette holding a gift as she stammered. She was still a nervous wreck even back in the day. Mimicking a yawn, she'd hear Marinette's stumbling as she finally had enough.

"Out of the way." She comically shoved her to the side, gaining stares from both Adrien and Nino. Quickly having a pose, she'd have a wide smile on her face.

"Happy birthday Adrien!" She'd gawk, hugging him dearly as he'd be surprised. He'd quickly make her pull back, his gentle smile present. "Thanks, Chlo." His usual nickname for her had kept repeating in her head.

"Did you get the gift I sent you?" She lied, her usual defense mechanism her mother had always done."Uh, no." He answered, of course he never did. She lied, he never knew.

"What? Oh, those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy so they had to go back and get another guy to help. Those slackers...!" She faked a complaint, Adrien had looked confused but apologetic.

"It's fine Chlo-" She'd hug him once again, quickly letting go as she smiled.

"I'll make sure they get delivered to you by tonight. Mwah!" She kissed him on the cheek, their usual greeting as she turned to leave. Nino had looked disgusted but had shaked his head.

"See dude? Even if your downer of a father doesn't celebrate it. We will do it instead because we care about you. Even someone like Chloe." Nino smiled, punching his shoulder lightly as the blonde had beamed.

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