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((Heyy! It's been a month since I've written this story and I just wanted to know...

What has been your favorite moment so far?

And what has been your favorite banter between the duo?

That's all,enjoy this chapter!

Chloe yawned, relaxing by her daybeds on the hotel rooftop as she stretchdd her arms. Today had been a weekday she wanted to spend in relaxation, no distractions, no annoying classmates, no Sabrina pampering her with useless things, no akuma attacks.

"Don't you have a date with that classmate of yours today...? I think his name was... Kim?" She visibly cracked with a pained smile, a glare sent Tikki's way as she huffed. "No way, he asked me out to a public theater! Do you know how gross public areas are, especially theaters!?"

"It's still rude to not come...?"

"And lead him on? He should know that someone as pathetic as him has no chances with someone as exceptional as me!"

"Then can't you just... reject him in text?" Tikki was deadpanning, loosing hope for her holder."No, I'm way too tired after having to deal with Adrikin's love dilemma." She'd shiver at the memory.

[So after that I asked her to the movies Chlo...! To the movies! And she said yes, surprisingly now I have to worry about which movie... but she still said yes although she has to ask for permission first...]

"That's great Adrikins but it's 2 am in the morning, a girl needs some beauty sleep." She'd grit her teeth, talking to her childhood friend on the phone as she could tell he'd wince in surprise.

[Wait it's 2am...? Already? ]

"Don't you rich Agrestes have a clock?"

[We do but I don't know what to do in the date, I can't just mess it up or I'll embarass myself-]

"Yeah, I know. Don't mess it up, we'll talk tomorrow. A reminder that it's currently 2 am!"


She already ended the call, placing her phone on the bedside table as she slept peacefully.

"I'm... surprised he's asking you for advice of all people..." Tikki muttered, Chloe glared at it."How could he not!? I, Chloe Bourgeois am exceptional in love!-"

"Did you ever like someone?"

"U-uh of course! The rich guys in elite parties are handsome guys-"

"Did you ever date them?"

"N-no... well it's because I'm too exceptional for them!" Chloe looked away, crossing her arms as Tikki smirked."Then why don't you accept Kim's date...?"

"Awe look at you Taki, caring if I'll live without a date?" The blonde coo'd, grinning at the poker faced kwami as she avoided it's suggestion. "No... I'm just worried Adrien's taking the worst love advice from someone inexperienced like you." Chloe fumed as she swatted her kwami away.

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