Chapter 64: T'was a see-you-later

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Which, technically, you had. But you hadn't spared another man so much as a glance since you'd bid farewell to your Slytherin Prince, and you weren't sure you could pursue another person even if you wanted to.

Marin sighed. "I think you'll hear from him," she said encouragingly, the way she did every time she asked and you told her no. "Say what you will about Draco Malloy, but you can't say he didn't love you."

You nodded, hoping you wouldn't start crying again. Sometimes you did, sometimes you didn't. It depended on the day. You blinked a few times to guarantee you wouldn't, and then changed the subject to Quidditch, a topic Arlie was happy to jump in on.

Gryffindor had only barely managed to steal the House Cup that year, something none of the Slytherins in your dinner group (or the rest of your House) were happy about. Arlie was convinced it was because you hadn't been Seeker, and you reminded him that that was his fault, because he'd made you co-captain. A reminder he waved off like it wasn't even worth mentioning, to which you rolled your eyes and got yourself a piece of cake from the plate it had materialized on.

Dinner continued that way until you had covered nearly every conversation topic you could think of. Just then, the mail call trumpet sounded across the Hall. It was rare for post to come at dinner, but since the war, parents were writing to their children far more often, and some days you received mail calls at all three meals.

Owls swooped through the Hall, and you watched as they soared through the air, dropping letters and packages off to students before looping around and flying right back out. It hadn't registered that a single envelope had dropped into your empty plate until Marin pointed it out to you.

"Y/N, you got a letter!"

You looked down to see that you had. You wondered who it was from. You'd received a letter from your parents already that day, you'd read all about your mother's new gardening habit at lunch. You picked it up and turned it over, your heart lurching in your chest as you saw the familiar handwriting that had scrawled your name across the envelope.

"Y/N?" Silver questioned, noticing your expression. "Who's it from?"

You swallowed, knowing what reaction you'd receive when you told them. "I think it's from Draco."

Marin gasped, and Silver's eyes shot wide open. "Open it, then!" he said, nudging your shoulder.

You hurried to tear it open, pulling out the single piece of paper from inside.

Y/N, it read,

I know I've kept you waiting. And I'm sorry for that.

If you've got a little time after curfew this evening, I'm sure you know where I'll be. Come find me. We've got some catching up to do.

- D

Your hands trembled slightly as you folded the paper back up and placed it back in your envelope.

"What did it say? What did it say?" Arlie demanded excitedly, and you were surprised by the boy's eagerness to know. He'd never been Draco's biggest fan.

"I—that he's okay," you stuttered out. You'd always been an awful liar. "Just a short update on his life and whatnot. Very—formal. For Draco, anyway."

You inwardly cringed at yourself. Nobody would buy that.

But nobody said anything. Marin's shoulders slumped. "Well, at least you heard something," she said, trying to sound encouraging. "Write him back, maybe he'll respond to that."

You nodded, trying to hide your building excitement at seeing Draco later that night. "That's a good idea," you said with a smile. "I'm sure he'd like to hear from me too."

The Slytherin Princess | Draco Malfoy x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang