Chapter 23: Harry Potter & Jealousy

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Silver gives you a very bad, no-good, horrible idea. but you love it and run with it anyway.


The first week of classes came and went, and you barely saw any of Draco. You had forgone tutoring for that week, and based on Draco's improvements over the previous term, you weren't sure he needed it anymore. Your Quidditch practices also hadn't started back up, so you hadn't even seen him on the field.

Still, however, under an oath of secrecy, Juniper, Marin, and Silver now knew about your becoming Draco's Slytherin Princess.

"I fucking knew it," Juniper had said when you told her. "I've seen the way that boy looks at you in the courtyard. There was no fucking way you weren't together."

You still hadn't told anybody else though, and to your knowledge, Draco still hadn't heard anything from his father. It wasn't like he'd rushed to tell you anything, anyway. You were lucky if he brushed your hand in the hallway or hugged you when you two were alone in the Common Room.

After the second week of classes went by in exactly the same fashion, you went to vent to Silver about all of your problems.

"I don't get it," you complained, pacing back and forth in Silver's room as he listened to you. Silver's roommate had exited as soon as you came in, winking at the two of you as he did so.

"Y/N, I've seen how he looks at you, the boy is head-over-heels," Silver said impatiently. You threw your hands up. "So maybe I get some stolen glances, some secret kisses in Hogsmeade after the sun has already gone down. But I want to be able to kiss him on the Quidditch pitch after we win a game. I want to be able to sit next to him and have his arm around me when we're in the Common Room. I don't understand why these are such outrageous requests for me to make."

Silver sighed as he watched you, still wearing a rut in your poor friend's rug. "Well, y/n, I mean, I have an idea, but I don't know how kindly you'll take to it."

"Fucking anything, Silver. Whatever it takes."

Silver winced at your eagerness, but leaned forward to tell you anyway. "Make him jealous."


"Make him jealous," he repeated, leaning back against his headboard. "Make him think your interest is waning. Make him want you again."

You mulled it over. You knew deep down that it was a horrible idea. The wrath of Draco Malfoy was akin to that of his father's. Sure, you had been constantly reminding Draco you weren't scared of his father, but that sort of anger still wasn't something you were sure you wanted unleashed on you or some other innocent person of the male variety.

But another, darker part of you wanted to do it anyway.

"Who would I even use?" you asked, wracking your brain. You couldn't think of anyone that your Slytherin Prince would particularly hate you giving attention to, but then it hit you—

"Harry Potter," you and Silver said at the same time.

"He'd be bloody perfect," Silver said, slapping his hands together.

"That boy won't even look at me," you said indignantly. "He'd be perfect, sure, but he hates Slytherins. He'll take one look at me and go all Expelliarmus on my ass."

"What about that Weasley kid, then?" Silver asked. "Any of the Weasleys, really. The fact that they're blood traitors would really piss him off."

That idea enticed you too, but not nearly as much as Harry did. You just had no idea how to get the Gryffindor to even give you the time of day.

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