Chapter 21: Christmas Day

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Christmas Day :) 


Christmas came before you even noticed. You had spent nearly every waking moment with Draco, drinking in the time you were able to spend with him in rooms that weren't secluded.

You and Draco also spent nearly every night sleeping with one another. It was either your bed or his, but you hadn't slept alone since exams had ended. You dreaded classes starting back up more than you ever had before. Normally you relished in starting classes, having things to focus on and a routine was your favorite thing. But knowing that this time around it meant that Draco would withdraw from you again was not something you wanted to face.

But that's not what you were going to think about today. It was Christmas, and you and Draco had given each other your presents. You swore he'd nearly cried at the drawing you'd done of the two of you, but he turned his head before you could confirm that what you'd seen in his eyes were tears. Instead, he turned and opened up the other ones, revealing the new Slytherin scarf you'd bought him, the box full of Honeydukes and Chocolate Frogs, and a brand new green sweater, one that would match with the one hung in your closet if you ever chose to wear the items together.

Once he'd finished opening up his gifts, he pushed the small pile of wrapped boxes he had for you over to you. You looked over all of them, unsure which one you wanted to open first.

"Go on," he said, his eyes lit up as he put on his Slytherin scarf. "Open one up!"

You grabbed the small one on top, tearing off the paper and putting it on the floor beside you. You opened the small velvet box that the paper revealed to find a beautiful silver necklace, with three charms dangling from it. One was your first initial, one was Draco's first initial, and the one in between was a silver heart with a green jewel in the middle of it.

You immediately fell in love with the object, unable to tear your eyes away.

"The emerald is real," he said quietly, causing your eyes to snap up to him.

"It's real?" you gasped, picking the necklace up out of the box.

"I didn't know if it mattered to you, so I just got a real one," he said meekly.

"It's gorgeous, Draco, I love it," you gushed, turning around so he could help you put it on at once. You noted how happy his smile was at your joy over just the first gift, and you couldn't wait to open the other three.

You picked up the one the necklace box had been resting on, a box that was somewhat larger, and much heavier, you noticed, once you picked it up.

You tore it open to find a book titled Advanced Potions: Not for the Weak-Hearted, and you gasped yet again as you opened it immediately.

"How did you know I wanted this book?" you asked.

"You only mentioned it four hundred times throughout tutoring," Draco responded with a chuckle. "You told me you would've sold your soul for this book, I can't believe you forgot that I knew about it."

You rolled your eyes, but didn't respond as you flicked through some of the pages in the book. Seeing things like the Regeneration Potion and the Invisibility Potion made your heart rate spike. You were insanely excited to try some of these.

You put the book aside as you opened another smaller, softer package, and you opened it to reveal a beautiful deep blue dress, one that sparkled as you turned it in the light coming from the window.
You stared at it in awe as you did so, not believing your eyes as you watched the beautiful fabric spill over your hands.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously, fidgeting with his hands. "I just noticed the blue sweater you wore to the Quidditch game with Diggory, and I thought you looked really good in blue."

You melted at his words, and at the fact that he'd remembered what you were wearing, even though the two of you had been the angriest you'd ever been with each other that day.

"I love it, Draco. I can't wait to wear it," you said earnestly, settling it back into the box it had come from.

The last one was small, the smallest yet. It was square, and tearing off the paper revealed a velvet box similar to the one the necklace had been it. It resembled a ring box.

Your heart rate spiked as you realized this. A ring box? What could Draco possibly have in this?

You opened it to see a silver ring, one that resembled a snake that would twist around your finger once you put it on.

You looked up at Draco, who pulled something off of his own finger, and out of thin air popped a ring identical to the one you were holding.

"There's a charm on it that makes it invisible to everyone once it's on," he explained. "But as long as we're both wearing it, if one of us is in danger, the ring will let the other person know. And we can take our ring off and it will help guide us to where the other person is."

He sighed as he put his own back on, watching as it disappeared on his finger. "After hearing about what you had to go through with Theodore, everything that nobody was able to protect you from, I decided I wanted to always be able to protect you, regardless of where you are or what state in. I have no idea where I'd be without you, or what I would do if anything happened to you that I wasn't able to help stop or prevent. I just...I thought it would be a good idea to help keep you safe. Especially if we go public and my father finds out about you."

You nodded, slipping the ring onto your own finger, watching as it disappeared but you still felt it sitting there.

"I love it," you whispered, and you watched as Draco visibly relaxed as you said so.

"I'm glad," he admitted, moving around to pick up the pieces of wrapping paper you'd left scattered around. "I wasn't sure what I would've done if you didn't. It took me ages just to settle on a design."

You chuckled slightly as you moved your fingers, still somewhat amazed at how it simply disappeared. You moved towards Draco, who was still semi-focused on picking up the trash, and grabbed his face to kiss him soundly.

He immediately grabbed your waist to steady himself as you felt the both of you tipping, and he landed on his back with a dull thud, causing him to grunt in annoyance.

He didn't seem to mind it too much, though, as you straddled him right there on the floor of his dorm room, continuing to kiss him deeply.

Once you finally broke away, the both of you breathless, you pulled him close and hugged him tight.

"Happy Christmas, Draco," you said quietly, hoping he could feel your love emanating from your hug.

"Happy Christmas, y/n," he responded, wrapping his arms around you in response.

And you spent the rest of the evening cuddling in bed, eating sweets and going through your new Potions book, celebrating your first Christmas together in exactly the way you had wanted to.

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