Chapter 8: Draco's Potions Tutor

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You and Draco go back to your little hidey-hole. He's got a lot on his mind...


Quidditch practice the next day was awkward, to say the least. Draco refused to speak to you or even meet your eyes, which seemed to be becoming a pattern after a night where he'd done something either really terrible or you two had shared literally anything about each other.

Arlie, however, seemed surprised (and slightly pleased). He even came up to you after practice was over to commend you for it.

"I know it was probably awkward for you guys when I got mad at the two of you for being shitty to each other, so I want to apologize for blowing up. But I will still have to suspend you if you can't prove you can get along."

You glanced over at Draco, who was silently putting his things away in his bag. "Yeah," you breathed by way of response. "I mean, we're trying, I guess. I've agreed to tutor him in one of his classes, so we'll kind of have to learn to not argue twenty-four-seven anyway."

Arlie smiled, his delight evident. "I like the sound of that. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't forget we're playing Hufflepuff this weekend, so rest up and keep yourselves sharp."

You nodded, and he turned around and left the tent.

"Y/N?" came a quiet voice from behind you.

You turned to see Draco, his eyes softer than you'd ever seen them.

"You okay?" you asked, though deep down you already knew the answer.

"'s okay if the answer's no, but could we go back to that little tree-hole we went to yesterday? I...I need someone to talk to and I feel like you won't really judge me. E-even if you make fun of me, you know?"

You didn't know how to respond, so you simply nodded. "Yeah, of course. Maybe bring your Potions work, we can start working on some of that."

"But it's Wednesday," he argued, though his tone was weak. "It's Hogsmeade day."

You looked up at him, folding your arms. "Twice a week, and we didn't do a thing on Monday," you reminded him. "Just for this week, we'll tutor today and Friday, and we can go to Hogsmeade for dinner."

His eyes lit up then, and he nodded.

"I'm going to shower first, also," you remarked as the two of you exited the tent. "I feel disgusting."

"Just meet me at my dorm, then?" he requested. "That way we can just walk there together."

"You're just scared you'll get lost," you joked as the two of you entered the Common Room. He chuckled. "Maybe. I'll just see you in a bit," he responded.

You nodded, still unsure about his attitude. You weren't used to this level of calm from him, you were a tad worried it would end in him exploding.

Shaking that thought out of your head, you managed to get in and out of the shower in just under ten minutes.

You used your wand to make your hair style itself into a perfect knot on top of your head, and you pulled on a black shirt with the Slytherin crest on it, putting a white cardigan on top. Pairing it with your favorite pair of jeans, you slipped on some shoes and pulled a few baby hairs out of your bun to frame your face with. You grabbed your bag, which you'd filled with your Potions books, and took off to find Draco's room.

You ran up the stairs to the boys' dormitories, stopping to compose yourself before knocking on Draco's door. A few moments passed before the boy opened the door, causing your breath to catch in your throat.

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