Chapter 29: Kidnapped

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You wake up later that night to someone standing over bed. Unfortunately for you, it isn't Draco...


That night, you didn't sleep very well. You were as comfortable as ever in your bed in your dormitory, but something just didn't sit right with you, and you found yourself tossing and turning without any explanation as to why.

You sighed as you rolled over for what felt like the fiftieth time that night, and your blood ran cold at the sight of the person standing over your bed.

You opened your mouth to scream, but found that you couldn't. You were completely frozen.

Petrified, one might even say. But from how cold you suddenly felt, you realized the perpetrator had used the Glacius charm.

"Good morning, miss Everglade," came a sinister voice that you couldn't help but recognize. "Looks like I'll be receiving a surprise houseguest this morning."

You couldn't even move at this point. You realized the man picking you out of your bed must've used a non-verbal spell. You hadn't heard him whisper a thing.

You struggled to look over at Juniper's bed, but you realized she was sound asleep. The work of the quietening charm, you realized with a jolt.

You felt the man grab you roughly to himself, holding you tightly around your middle. "If you struggle at all, we'll both go down in flames," he whispered roughly. "Do as you're told and you might survive."

Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you felt him pull you into the fireplace with him. A handful of Floo Powder came from his pocket, and once he stated, "Malfoy Manor!" all you saw was bright green fire.

You felt yourself become unfrozen as you flew out of the fireplace into the middle of the Malfoys' mansion.

Your breath came out of you in short, deep gulps, and you began to shake violently as you stared up at the man who had taken you from Hogwarts. Your hand flew to your waistband, but you didn't need to feel the absence of your wand to know it had already been taken from you. You just hoped it hadn't been broken.

You didn't even need to ask who the man now standing over you was.

"I'm sure you know all about me by now, Miss Everglade," Voldemort said with a sinister smile. "Either from rumors around your precious school, or from your little boyfriend that you've got there."

You stood silently, hoping your voice wouldn't shake as badly as your body was when you spoke. "I'm not dating Harry Potter."

"I'm not talking about Potter, you insolent girl," Voldemort spat, his temper clearly stoked by the mere mention of the Gryffindor boy. "I'm talking about Draco Malfoy. Your little lover-boy. You've been with him for months now, correct?"

You shook your head more fiercely. "I'm not dating Draco Malfoy either. We hate each other."

Voldemort laughed, even his laughter dark. It was an uncomfortable sound, reverberating around what appeared to be the foyer of the mansion you had found yourself in.

"I'm not an idiot, Everglade," the dark wizard spat, holding up his own wand and looking you directly in the eyes. "I'm the greatest sorcerer the world has ever known, and you have no hope of hiding anything from me."

Before you could react, he whispered, "Legilimens," and you felt your eyes roll back in your head as he began to search through your memories.

"Y/N," Draco whispered, his hand sliding over your bare skin. "Y/N, wake up."

You groaned as your eyes opened, but you smiled soon after making eye contact with the white-haired boy hovering above you.

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