Chapter 63: The Battle of Hogwarts

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It all ends here...


Time stood still. You half-wondered if it would start raining, judging by the colors of the clouds in the sky. Your arms were still outstretched, your face still turned towards the grey canopy above you.

You were waiting for Voldemort to kill you.

Everyone in the crowd that was watching everything seemed to collectively hold their breath, waiting for the dark wizard to follow through on the threat he'd made only moments before. The one you had dared him to follow through on. You'd exposed your entire torso so he could kill you. And now, either time had slowed down so much it had actually stopped, or the Dark Lord himself was chickening out.

You almost couldn't decide which one was more likely, but the commotion you heard caused you to finally look away from the sky and stop thinking about Lord Voldemort being a chickenshit.

Your heart skipped approximately fourteen beats when you saw Harry Potter's dead body on the ground. Your first thought was that Hagrid had dropped the poor Gryffindor's body—because how the fuck do you do that—but your heart stilled completely when you saw the boy move.

The crowd gasped all at once all over again when Harry twitched again—before he stood up. Your heart was out of your chest. You couldn't believe he was alive. You were so relieved that he wasn't dead, it took all of your willpower to not immediately run to him and sling your arms around his neck.

Voldemort, however, was not as happy as you were about Harry being alive. But his attention had been diverted by Harry jumping back into the land of the living, and you had begun slowly walking backwards into the sea of people you'd come out of.

Your elbow was grabbed roughly by someone you had your back turned towards—and before you could react, you'd been pulled into their arms.

"You're fucking insane," snarled a voice into your ear, one you immediately recognized as Draco's. You didn't have time to respond before he'd pulled you as far back in the crowd of people as he could. You didn't want to go inside the castle. Juniper's body was still in there, and you wanted to make sure Harry would be okay. You knew deep down that if Voldemort had failed to kill him twice now, he'd probably be fine—but you didn't want to forget about him again. the last time you'd gotten wrapped up in yourself, you'd found out he was dead.

"What are you talking about?" you whispered back. Nobody in front of you even spared either of you a glance, they were too enthralled in what was taking place in front of the crowd.

"I know you aren't asking me what the fuck I'm talking about," Draco growled in response. "Challenging fucking Voldemort, y/n. That was the dumbest fucking thing you could've done."

You rolled your eyes. The adrenaline was still pumping through your body. Was he acting like waiting for your own death wasn't a big deal in and of itself?

"I didn't have another choice, Draco," you responded. "My parents are in hiding, who the fuck knows where. You trying to protect me would've just ended up in your death too. I figured if I was going to die, I'd at least get some fucking good last words in."

Draco's eyes were wild. You could tell he was livid. But the yelling up front had gotten too loud by then, it drew the attention of both of you away from each other.

Harry had his wand out, and he was in about the same spot that you'd been in just a few minutes before. You tuned into the words that were being shouted, hoping to figure out what was about to happen.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry cried, and you watched as the Elder Wand was briefly flung from Voldemort's hands. The dark wizard quickly caught it, of course, his malicious laugh filling the air soon after.

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