Chapter 47: Pickup games

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You sneak out after curfew to play Quidditch with some classmates. You just want some semblance of your old life back.


Three weeks went by, with no word from either Draco or his mother. You considered that no news was good news, but it didn't stop you from wanting to hear from them. With both of your parents and your brother under the impression that you were dead, Narcissa and Draco were the closest thing you had to family. With no contact from them, you felt more isolated than you ever remembered being. Even in the last weeks of the term prior, when you and Draco had broken up, you had had people to reach out to.

Sure, you were technically friends with Marin and Juniper and Silver, but you couldn't very well talk to them about any of the problems you were having. You didn't know if confessing to any of them about who you really were would be considered breaking your Unbreakable Vow, so you kept that secret to yourself. It was more to keep yourself alive than anything, but that didn't stop you from feeling sad that you didn't really have anyone you could go to at any time.

So when Friday night rolled around again and Juniper once more invited you to a secret Quidditch pickup game, you readily agreed. You were ready to get out of your dorm room, even if it was only for a few hours. You grabbed a beautifully knit blue sweater—a gift delivered to you by owl with no note attached—and followed her through a few hidden hallways and out onto the dark Quidditch pitch.

You spotted Arlie fairly quickly, and you felt a surge of relief at the fact that maybe, just maybe, you could get a semblance of your former life back for a few hours. He raised his hand, and for a split second, you thought it was in greeting to you, but you quickly realized it was a signal for the students hovering around the pitch on their own brooms to cast Lumos Maximus—a spell that would quickly light up the entire field so the students on the pitch could play. You observed how smart that was, too—they served as lights for the field and lookouts for anyone who would rat you out or punish you for being out past curfew.

"Come on, Ravena, keep up!" Juniper called as she hurried along over to the rest of the players waiting to play Quidditch. "We can't stay out all night!"

You jogged to catch up with her as she reached Arlie. You quickly recognized some of the students you'd played with on the Slytherin team the year before—most notably, Silver and your white-haired Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy himself.

His eyes shot wide open when he spotted you, but he quickly regained his composure. You hadn't realized there was a chance Draco would be out here tonight, too—you figured he would've been brooding in his room the way he normally did.

You shook the thought out of your head as Arlie handed you a broom. "Ravena Sayre, eh?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face. "You any good at Quidditch?"

You shrugged, trying not to let your excitement at getting your hands on a broom again show through. "I've played some here and there," you said nonchalantly. "I only played on my school team second year, though. Studies got to be too much, so I quit."

Arlie nodded. "Well, you can't be all bad if you were good enough to play on your school's house team," he said confidently. "I'll have you be a team captain for this game. You versus Malfoy."

Draco started, but he didn't hesitate to come to the front of the crowd anyway.

"Ravena," Arlie said, nodding in your direction. "You pick first."

You looked across the students. You only knew the names of Silver and Draco—you weren't at all sure how you were going to pick anyone after you called Silver by name.

"Um, I'll take Silver," you said, pointing at the dark-haired boy. His face lit up as he walked over to you, putting his fist out for you to fist-bump it. "Let's do this," he said, the excitement on his face as plain as day.

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