Chapter 44: Blessing in Disguise

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Even when the night changes, it will never change you & Draco.

And even though you look like a whole new person, he still knows it's you.


Before you knew it, the summer had already come and gone. You found it both a blessing and a curse; one, because you knew classes were starting soon and you were beginning to go stir-crazy in this house, but on the other hand, you knew that this meant you had to go into the world (and into Hogwarts) as someone you had never been before, and you would be lying if you said that didn't stress you out.

But luckily, it was the day Narcissa was supposed to come help you transform into an entirely different person, and while you knew she didn't like you (and you no longer particularly cared for her) you were grateful that she was still willing to come help you out and hide you in plain sight inside the walls of Hogwarts. If nothing else, you knew it was for Draco, and not necessarily for your personal benefit.

You had hardly even been up an hour when Narcissa and Draco Apparated back into the house. You had only barely had the time to shower and towel-dry your hair when they arrived. You knew they had arrived only by the loud crack that accompanied their landing in the living room.

"I figured this is where the two of you had come," Narcissa said, her dark eyes surveying the room. "Obviously I wasn't going to ask, but this makes sense."

You hesitantly walked out into the living room, immediately feeling underdressed once you saw the mistress of the Malfoy Manor dressed in an elegant black gown. Her expression didn't change when her eyes landed on you, but she hadn't looked happy to begin with, either. "Ah, y/n," she said quietly as you entered the room more fully, "are you ready to return to Hogwarts?"

You sighed. "I don't know," you answered truthfully. "On one hand, I want to go back so badly, I've missed it a lot. But I know that it isn't going to be the same at all, and I know there's a possibility it won't ever be the same again. I'm just nervous."

"I'm sure you are uneasy," Narcissa said, and you found yourself slightly surprised at her quiet, but gentle tone. "But that's why I'm here, to try to help you so you don't feel quite as uncomfortable."

"I appreciate it," you said earnestly, though your voice was just as quiet. "Thank you."

Narcissa allowed a smile to turn just the corners of her otherwise straight mouth, before drawing her wand and turning to you. "Now tell me," she said as she came closer, running her fingers through your hair and moving your face around to get a better look at it. "What do you want to look like?"

You started. You hadn't thought of that, you thought Draco and his mother would just know what you needed. "I-I don't know," you stammered. "I hadn't really given it much thought."

Narcissa hummed, still taking in the finer details of your appearance. "Well, we need to start somewhere, so why not your hair? What color would you want?"

You twisted your mouth in thought, going over all the possibilities in your head. Pink or blue hair excited you, but you knew it would be a horrible idea to do anything that would cause you to stand out.

"Make me a redhead, but with darker red hair," you said finally. "And maybe make it a little longer?" Narcissa nodded, raising her wand and casting a non-verbal spell, leaving you wondering what spell she had actually used. But that thought quickly vanished as you looked into a mirror on the opposite wall, leaning back in shock as you saw how instantly it had changed. Thick, dark red locks poured down your back, a few inches longer than your original hairstyle had been.

"You really want to look like a Weasley?" Draco scoffed, and his mother shot him a look that made him clam up immediately. You rolled your eyes at the remark. "Their hair is much brighter than this, I'll have you know," you said indignantly, and Draco rolled his eyes but didn't say anything more.

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