Chapter 17: Can't walk away

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You're back to tutoring Draco, after everything that went down just a few days before.


The weekend flew by before you even noticed it. You'd done nothing but homework, struggling greatly to catch back up in your classes. You briefly entertained the idea of cancelling tutoring with Draco, but you know it was about him, not you, so you showed up.

"Are you alright?" he asked timidly as you walked him through the potions. You knew he was asking because of how bad you looked, bags beginning to form under your eyes and hair you hadn't brushed in three days, but you weren't going to spill your heart out to Draco Malfoy.

"I'm fine," you insisted, despite the fact that you knew he didn't believe you.

"Do you want to get dinner after this?" he asked, and you gave him a look. "As friends, of course!" he added quickly. "Crabbe and Goyle could go with us if you wanted."

"Absolutely not," you said, cringing at the thought. "The last time I saw Crabbe, he threw a book at me. I'm fine with us going by ourselves."

"Why'd he throw a book at you?" Draco asked, bristling immediately. "I'll hex the shit out of him for that."

"No, you won't," you chided. "I don't even remember why he did it."

Draco rolled his eyes, but didn't press the issue any further.

You walked him through two more potions after that, desperate to keep the conversation off of whatever was going on between you and the Slytherin boy working beside you.

Eventually, however, your allotted time was up, and you followed Draco to the Great Hall for dinner.

The two of you sat down across from each other, willing your plates full of delicious food. Both of you bean digging in, barely even pausing for a breath.

After only a few moments, Draco looked up at you. he opened his mouth to say something, but his eyes flicked to someone behind you, instantly growing cold and angry.

You looked behind you, and your heart involuntarily skipped a beat when you saw Cedric approaching. His eyes were trained on you, and your heart rate increased the closer he got.

"I know you aren't thinking about coming to talk to y/n," Draco sneered, stopping Cedric in his tracks. "Not after everything you did to her."

You watched Cedric cringe, before taking another step closer. Draco stood up then, clearly ready to go on the attack to keep Cedric from you.

"I just want to talk to y/n," he said, and Draco's expression changed to one of pure fury. "Absolutely not," he spat. "You lost that privilege when you broke up with her for no good fucking reason."

"Oh, are you her spokesperson now?" Cedric shot back, his temper visibly rising. "You can't even let the girl speak for herself?"

Draco opened his mouth, ready to fire something else back, but you jumped up, eager to stop another fight from happening (in the Great Hall, no less).

"I'll go with you," you said to Cedric, trying to ignore Draco's face falling completely. You didn't want to turn around and tell Draco it was just to get rid of Cedric in front of Cedric himself, so you hoped the tensing of your shoulders as you stood up and followed the Hufflepuff boy out of the Great Hall was signal enough.

The two of you traveled to an empty hallway, where Cedric finally turned to you, concern in his eyes.

"Y/N, I wanted to talk," he said nervously, fidgeting with his hands.

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