Chapter 39: The wand in Dumbledore's tomb

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You and Draco finally make it to Dumbledore's tomb.


You had been correct about one thing regarding the trip: it was, in fact, taking forever. You were on day four of your trek, and you were sure by now that your shins were the strongest they'd ever been. You hadn't even walked or run this much for Quidditch practice, and Draco knew as well as you did how much Arlie liked to make your team run.

You were finally nearing the end of your journey, however, which was one of the only good things about the whole situation. The other good thing was that you'd finally found a spring the night before, and you'd gratefully taken your time in washing up, loving the refreshed feeling the rushing water gave you.

So now, cleaned up and fed and hydrated, you entwined your hand with Draco's as you walked the final stretch of the path Dumbledore's mourners had pounded out with their feet months before at the dead professor's funeral. The two of you were mostly silent, only breaking through the quiet of the afternoon air to point out an animal scampering past, or when Draco asked you to kiss him. (That was your favorite reason to stop mid-step.)

The sun was just beginning its descent again when Draco froze, his hand stilling within yours. You followed his gaze, and your own blood turned to ice at the sight of the unmistakable tomb before the two of you. It was still easily half a mile away, but it was unmissable. The large, white marble tomb commanded attention, and you were honestly surprised at how stupid it was to make something so noticeable. Anyone could rob Dumbledore's tomb at any point, and they'd chosen a giant marble casket to put the man to rest?

You didn't voice this concern, however. You simply remained silent, standing in place and watching the white-haired boy beside you.

Draco took a breath as he strode up to the exquisite marble chest, holding your hand tightly so you had no option but to stumble along behind him.

You stopped right before you reached it, so close you could reach out and touch it.

"Stay here," he whispered, his voice quiet and slightly hoarse from having remained silent for as long as the two of you had.

"But Draco—" you started to protest, cutting yourself off once you saw the look he gave you.

"Stay here, y/n," he repeated, his tone much more commanding this time. You rolled your eyes in response. He could be so dramatic.

"Ascendio," Draco whispered, and you watched as the charm pulled him up into the air, landing squarely on top of the pristine white coffin.

He looked back at you. "Move back, y/n," he ordered.

"Draco!" you cried in irritation, taking a step forward instead.

"MOVE BACK!" he shouted, startling you into taking several steps backward. You watched as he then turned his wand towards the top of the coffin, shouting, "Bombarda!"

You shrieked as an explosion sounded from his wand, causing the coffin to crack loudly. The spell shot dust into the air, flying up and blocking your view of Draco.

"Evanesco!" you cried, frantically waving your wand to cause the dust to evaporate as immediately as it had appeared. Draco stood on top of the coffin still, his face blank.

Before he could cast the explosive spell again, you raised your own wand, casting "Ascendio!" to propel yourself up and join Draco on the coffin.

He glared, opening his mouth to yell something, but you cut him off.

"Have you got cotton balls for a brain??" you demanded angrily, watching as his expression changed to surprise at how upset you were. "You are going to kill yourself if you keep trying that." You huffed, running a hand over your own hair as you pulled your wand back out. "Honestly, Draco," you said with an air of annoyance, "sometimes I wonder if your parents Flipendo'd you as a baby."

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