Chapter 16: Breakups & Green robes

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You're released from the infirmary, and the first person you look for is Cedric. 


You were stuck in the infirmary for a week after that. Apparently, falling asleep in below-freezing weather meant you would end up with most of the symptoms of hypothermia, which meant you were stuck in an uncomfortable bed with Madam Pomfrey checking in on you every thirty minutes for an entire week.

Sure, your friends came to visit, and your professors brought you your homework, and Juniper brought you your books, and even Draco came by for a couple Potions answers, but the one person you wanted to visit wasn't visiting, and nobody would tell you why. Since he had been released the evening before you went to the infirmary, it had been over a week, by this point, since you'd been able to see him.

So, once you were finally released, you trudged back up to your dorm with your bookbag full of your books and finished homework, and found Juniper sprawled out in your room, writing on a parchment.

"Y/N!" she squealed when she saw you. She jumped up to hug you, and you dropped your bookbag to hug her tightly back.

"We were so worried about you," she said as she held onto you, her voice sad and small. "I don't know what we would've done if we'd lost you."

"It was my fault for going out when it was so late and I was so tired," I said with a shrug. "I'm just glad Jordan found me, I guess."

Juniper shook her head. "Draco found you. He brought you back to the Common Room. Jordan just took you to the infirmary."

Your stomach flipped at the mention of Draco, and you cursed yourself for it.

Then, looking back up at Juniper, you asked the question that people had refused to answer the entire week you'd been stuck in the infirmary.

"Where is Cedric and why didn't he ever come visit me?" you asked, knowing you sounded pathetic. You knew that he and Draco were far from getting along, but you'd visited him in the infirmary, and he'd only been there overnight.

Juniper sighed. "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but Cedric and Draco got into a fight."


"Yeah. It was actually a fight over you. Cedric asked Draco where you were, and Draco absolutely exploded on him. To be fair, though, was all words at first. Cedric threw the first punch."

You jumped a little, shocked at hearing that Cedric had thrown the first punch. Between the two of them, you would've put all your money on Draco swinging first.

"I have to go find him," you said quickly, standing to leave the room.

"Be careful, y/n. I don't know if it's worth hurting both of them," Juniper said quietly, but you simply turned and left.

After what felt like a lifetime of searching, you found Cedric in the library. You realized you didn't know nearly as much about Cedric as you did Draco, because you would've found Draco in ten minutes if you'd wanted to.

You winced at the yellowing bruise on Cedric's jawline, and you tried to slide into a chair across from him at the table as subtly as possible.

His eyes flitted up to see you, but they didn't light up the way they had been.

"Hi, Cedric," you said timidly, trying to start off the conversation.

He sighed, closing his book and looking up at you. "Hi, y/n."

You fidgeted with your hands, not wanting to come outright and ask the question, because you knew it would sound needy and pathetic. " are you?"

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