Chapter 13: Amortentia

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You tutor Draco in potions again, the day after going out with Cedric. But Draco didn't really take take this news very well.


You practically floated through Friday. Not even Draco's taunting you in Charms again got you down. You played nearly the best you ever had in Quidditch practice that day too, Arlie seemed to start to believe the lie you'd fed him the day before about just being tired. Which you were grateful for.

It wasn't until you came back to the Potions classroom for tutoring that Draco cornered you—again.

"What's up with this mood of yours?" he practically demanded. "I've never seen you so...dreamy."

You rolled your eyes. "I went out with Cedric last night," you admitted as you placed an empty cauldron on the desk in front of you. "It was really nice."

Draco's shoulders slumped, and he just stood there silently, staring at you in a way that sent shivers down your spine. It wasn't an intimidating stare—he just looked sad.

"What?" you asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You—you slept in my room two nights ago, literally in my arms, and then you went out with Cedric? Just like that?"

"I—" you didn't know how to respond. Was Draco genuinely upset that you'd gone out with Cedric?

"I didn't mean to fall asleep in your room," you said finally. "It shouldn't have happened. My adrenaline just crashed. I didn't have the energy to find another option."

His eyes flitted between you and the empty cauldron, and you could practically hear the gears turning in his head. Then he simply straightened his back, said "Okay," and opened his Potions book.

You hadn't expected it to be that easy. You had been prepared for his insults to Cedric, or to you. You felt awkward at the silence that had ensued, and you opened your own Potions book in response.

"Do you feel like you need to go back over the liquid luck potion?" you asked, but he shook his head. "Snape gave me the best marks I've ever gotten on that one," he said confidently.

You nodded. "Sounds good. Do you want to work ahead, then? We could get a head-start on Amortentia."

Draco shrugged, then nodded. "I'd like that, actually. Could earn us some House Points," he said.

His face was unreadable as he moved around the room, gathering the ingredients. You couldn't figure out why he was so upset about you going out with Cedric. He couldn't possibly be jealous, could he?

You thought through the words everyone had been telling you for months now about Draco's feelings for you. There was no way they were true. That's what you kept telling yourself, anyway.

But was there the possibility you just didn't want it to be true? Even though it was looking more like it was true every day?

Draco brought back an armful of the ingredients the potion required, placing them all delicately on the table.

"Tell me what this potion does," you said, using the Aguamenti spell to fill the cauldron with water.

"It's a love potion," Draco responded, pulling out the first ingredient the book called for. "It smells like whatever—or whoever—you're attracted to."

You nodded, unable to find your voice as you stared into the piercing grey eyes of the Slytherin boy before you. He didn't say anything else, though, he simply turned back around and dropped in the first ingredient.

The two of you worked in silence, making your way through the recipe for the potion, watching contentedly as the mixture turned a pearly white, the steam spiraling up from the potion you had just created.

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