Chapter 32: Blueprints & Refusals

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You try to help Draco with his 'assignment', but he refuses to let you...


Your bed was empty when you awoke, leading you to believe Draco's presence had been a dream—but when you rolled over and saw the imprint his body had left in your mattress, you realized he had simply left early.

You crawled out of bed yourself then, pulling on a sweatshirt and jeans, heading to see if the Slytherin boy was in his dorm room.

And there he was, poring over multiple parchments and books, scribbles and messy handwriting covering nearly every inch of parchment that your eyes could see.

"Why are you starting your homework so early?" you asked, wrapping your arms around him from behind. "It's Sunday, you know."

"'s not homework," Draco mumbled, though he didn't make any moves to shake your arms away.

Your eyes drifted over the parchments he had scribbled across, noting poisonous potions, Avada Kedavra, and multiple quick sketches that you couldn't quite make out, some of which had already been scribbled over.

Then it clicked: these were blueprints for killing Albus Dumbledore.

"You know you don't have to do this all on your own, right?" you pointed out, pulling him farther back into your own embrace. "I didn't take the Dark Mark for just for the hell of it."

"I'm not saying you did," came Draco's reply, "but this is my assignment."

"Just because it's your assignment doesn't mean you can't have help," you responded. "The only requirement is that you have to be the one to execute the plans. You were never told you had to come up with them on your own, too."

Draco sighed heavily. "You aren't going to help, y/n," he finally stated. "I don't want any of his blood on your hands."

"Draco, we're in—"

"I know, I know, we're in this together," Draco flat-lined, pushing away from the desk. "But there's some things we have to do alone, y/n, and this is one of my things."

You huffed, standing up and letting go of him. "Why do you always think you have to do everything alone?" you asked. "I literally took the fucking Dark Mark to prove that you don't, Draco."

Draco swiveled around to look at you, annoyance clear in his features. "Y/N, just because you took the Dark Mark, it doesn't mean you're a Death Eater. You don't get to start calling shots and butting into projects you weren't originally a part of just because you allied yourself with Voldemort."

You started. "Draco, that's literally exactly what it means. I took the Dark Mark and became a Death Eater. That means it comes along with all of the responsibilities that Voldemort expects me to faithfully carry out. And if that means helping you with this mission you've been assigned, then that's what that means. Might I add you're literally eighteen and you're being expected to kill one of the oldest and most powerful sorcerers the world has ever seen?"

Draco sighed again, his shoulders tensing as he turned back to the pile of papers on his desk. "I have to do this alone, y/n, and that's final. Stop putting your nose into matters it doesn't belong in. All that's going to do is end up hurting you."

You rolled your eyes, the urge to stomp your foot overwhelming. "Fine. But you know, Draco, the longer I'm back here with this stupid tattoo on my arm, the more I'm starting to feel like I should've just stayed a prisoner in your fucking mansion."

He opened his mouth to respond to you, but you didn't wait around for it. You opened his door and left, shutting the door behind you and running down the stairs towards the Common Room. You didn't stop there, though, you Accio'd your bookbag to yourself and headed further out, into the Library where you spread out to start on your Potions homework for the next day.

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