Chapter 14: Ruined Dates

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You go on your date with Cedric to the Quidditch game, but it doesn't go as you expected (or wanted) it to...


The next morning crept right up on you, startling you from your sleep as the sun began to rise.

Your alarm clock went off just as you were beginning to register what, exactly, was happening, and you hopped out of bed more quickly than you had originally wanted to.

You dug through your wardrobe, searching for a blue sweater. You knew it would make your eyes pop, and it would go great with whatever House color Cedric decided to wear.

You finally found a rich, royal blue turtleneck, one that would be perfect for protection against the winds the students in the stands usually had to fight against.

You paired it with some black pants and black boots, teasing your hair into a messy ponytail and sliding your wand into your boots, the way you always did.

"Where you off to so early?" Juniper mumbled, propping herself up on her elbow.

"Gonna watch a Quidditch game with Draco," you responded with a smile.

"Draco?" Juniper asked, her eyes widening.


"No, with Cedric," you said, laughing nervously. "Where'd you hear Draco?"

"You said Draco first," she insisted, sitting up more fully. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, of course," you replied, turning to walk out of the room. "Don't wait up for me."

"It's like 9 AM, y/n, you'd better be back before nightfall!" she called after you, but you paid your nosy roommate no mind.

You met Cedric right outside your Common Room door, and he was dressed in Hufflepuff yellow, his yellow sweater and black pants complimenting your outfit perfectly.

"You look beautiful, y/n," he said with a smile, and you felt yourself blush at his kind words. "Thank you Cedric, you look great too."

He took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, and led you down the hall.

"You could've come into the Common Room, you know," you said. "Nobody would've yelled at you."

"I tried to," Cedric said, a grim look on his face. "Draco was in there and told me to get the fuck out, so I decided to wait outside."

You hadn't even seen Draco in there. Which meant he'd left as soon as Cedric had. Your blood boiled at the thought.

"I'm sorry, Cedric. I thought I'd gotten him to lay off after the last time I yelled at him for this shit."

"Why are you still friends with him?" Cedric asked as he led you out of the castle. "All he does is try to mess with your relationships and bully you."

"I'm not friends with him," you said defensively. "I'm just tutoring him."

"The amount of time I see you spending with him seems to say otherwise."

"How often do you see me with him?" you asked, irritated. "How often are you just out and about, watching me?"

Cedric shrugged as he walked you across the field to your seats in the Ravenclaw stands. "Not purposely," he said quietly. "I just notice you, because you catch my eye."

You rolled your eyes as you sat down, but you didn't want your mood to be ruined by Draco all over again. Even indirectly.

You leaned into Cedric as he sat down beside you, and he wrapped an arm around you in response. "Sorry I snapped at you," you mumbled. "I don't want to ruin today before it even begins."

The Slytherin Princess | Draco Malfoy x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum