Chapter 41: White tiles & Unforgivables

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You and Draco face the dark lord once again. You have to confess why the wand doesn't quite feel right when Voldemort uses it. 


The Malfoy Manor was as formidable as ever. As you and Draco crossed the threshold into the daunting mansion, Narcissa was there, front and center, her stare icy and her arms folded. She didn't really spare you a glance, but you couldn't say you were surprised by the action. Draco, on the other hand, tensed by your side at the silent dismissal, and you squeezed his arm in an attempt to both reassure him and stop him from saying something you knew he'd regret.

The chandelier hung in the foyer just as it always did, but something about the giant glass light hanging over the heads of the three of you felt more ominous this time around. You couldn't help but stare into the light of it above you, absentmindedly wondering what would happen if it were to ever collapse. You didn't have much time to wonder, however, as Narcissa's voice cut through your thoughts and brought you back to where you were standing, next to her son as she spoke to the both of you.

"He's waiting for you in the study," came the voice of the lady of Malfoy Manor. You hadn't expected a warm welcome, but you had been hoping there would've been something that could delay you from actually going into the room where you were quite certain, by this point, that you would die. But when she gave no further instruction, Draco nodded once and guided you into the room where the Dark Lord awaited the both of you. You felt her eyes on your back as you entered the room, but you didn't dare glance back at her. After her reaction to Draco taking you back, you didn't want to interact with her any more than you were absolutely required to.

He immediately perked up at the sight of the two of you entering the room. As much as he could, anyway. You could hardly read any of the emotions that flittered across the dark wizard's mangled face, nor were you sure you wanted to be able to.

"So glad to see you both again," came his raspy voice, and you did your best to force a smile. "I'm glad it seems that you have also worked out your differences, as well."

"My mother is not as thrilled that we have done so," came Draco's response, but Voldemort waved his wand dismissively. "She's always been protective of her Drakey-boy," he said in a slightly mocking tone. "I wouldn't worry about it. Young love is not easily overcome."

Draco sighed heavily in lieu of responding verbally, which the Dark Lord either didn't notice or chose to ignore. Instead, he stood from his chair, towering over both you and Draco as you stood before him.

"Now, I believe you have brought my wand to me?" he asked, a greedy smile turning up the corners of his mouth. You shuddered to think of what the next few moments would hold, but you simply nodded, bringing the wand out of your bag and placing it in the dark wizard's pale, withered hand.

He brought it up to examine it in the dim light of the fire, turning it over in his hands to fully appreciate the intricate woodwork of the wand itself. He then pointed it at the fire, whispering "Extinguo!" and you and Draco both tensed as the fire stopped for just a moment—before immediately dying out, dousing the study in almost complete darkness. The only remaining light in the room came from a window that was just behind the large desk in the study—the one that you assumed belonged to Lucius Malfoy.

"Ah, beautiful," came the dark wizard's voice, bringing you out of your completely irrelevant thoughts about the mahogany desk. "It's wonderful. You have succeeded in this most dangerous quest." You breathed a heavy sigh of relief, hoping Voldemort didn't notice how much your shoulders sagged. You didn't want to imagine what it would be like to witness his wrath in someone he believed wasn't fully loyal to him—or fully faithful in him.

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