Chapter 34: Swimming & Invisibility cloaks

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You meet up with Harry again, but this time your objective is to get him to hand over his invisibility cloak.


The rest of the week dragged by. Even in your classes, where you had inexplicably begun to excel—and with your friends, and in Quidditch practices—your mind was always preoccupied by the task you had looming before you that weekend.

You honestly would've preferred one of the Triwizard Tournament tasks to this—at least with dragons there was no risk of being expelled or thrown in Azkaban at a record-breaking eighteen years old.

Every time you shut your eyes you saw Dumbledore's face. Or worse, your parents—and the reactions you knew they would have if you were caught. Your face would be plastered all over every newspaper in the Wizarding World—and once your cell door in Azkaban shut, you knew you'd never see the light of day again.

And you still had to get Harry to let you borrow his Invisibility Cloak.

Everyone knew he had one—he'd bragged about it to Ron and Hermione. And it was also sort of obvious that Harry didn't always have the best judgement, which meant he'd told them all about his cloak in the middle of the Great Hall.

You knew he had one, and you also knew he was fiercely protective of it—which meant you would have to come up with a very convincing lie to get Harry to let you borrow it.

"How's he going to know you aren't lying?" Draco asked when you presented the idea to him.

"I'm going to pull out two vials, one's going to have Veritaserum and the other's going to have water," you informed him. "I'm going to drink the water and Harry's going to drink the Veritaserum. That way he's going to think the both of us are being forced to tell the truth, but I'm going to be lying through my teeth."

Draco smirked as he leaned back in his chair. "You're the smartest Slytherin I've ever met," he said with a chuckle. "I'm so fucking lucky you're mine."

Your heart swelled at the unexpected words, but you didn't let your expression show that.

"Do you already have Veritaserum?" Draco asked then, and you nodded. "Starting back in third year, I just started brewing some. I've got like six vials in my room, just in case."

Draco's eyes widened. "Have you ever used them on me?"

"No," you responded quickly. "They're only for emergencies."

Draco nodded.

You sighed, turning around and pulling your books off of Draco's desk into your bag. "I've got classes, and I'm going to be hanging out with Harry tonight," you said pointedly, watching as annoyance flitted across Draco's face at just the sound of the Gryffindor boy's name. "This means don't get jealous," you continued, looking intently into Draco's eyes.

"I never get jealous," Draco lied, folding his hands behind his head as he looked up at you.

"Sure, you just broke Cedric's nose for fun," you said, playfully rolling your eyes.

"Of course," Draco said, like it should've been obvious. Then he laughed, standing from his chair and making his way over to you.

"You know I only get that way because I haven't had anyone I was scared to lose since Pansy," he said quietly, and you nodded mutely.

"I just—my dad still doesn't know you exist in my life. He thinks your whole family is just full of blood-traitors, and—"

"Blood-traitors?" you asked, appalled by the mere mention of the word. "How in the fucking world are we blood-traitors?"

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