Chapter 59: Battle plans

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You arrive at the burrow, welcomed by Arthur and Molly Weasley. you have to discuss potential battle plans with the two of them.


You arrived at the Burrow with a loud crack and a sigh of relief—nobody had Splinched. Ron was the most relieved out of all of you—considering he knew exactly what it felt like to Splinch.

Ron walked up to the porch, and promptly knocked four times on the door—you weren't sure why you counted—and the five of you waited anxiously on the porch for the door to open. You weren't sure why Ron had knocked, really—it was his house. It opened soon enough, though—and Molly Weasley's bright face appeared in the empty space the opening door had given way to.

"Oh, we've been awaiting your arrival," she said eagerly. "Come in, come in," she insisted, moving out of the way to let your little rag-tag group come more fully into her home.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," you said quietly, and she quickly waved her hand as she brought you in. "Goodness, please do call me Molly. Mrs. Weasley makes me feel so old." She smiled brightly at you, and you smiled back as you nodded in acknowledgement of her request.

You looked around more as you were brought more fully into the house, in awe at the small, but homey cottage that Ron and the rest of the Weasleys affectionately called the Burrow.

"It's not much," Ron mumbled, evidently embarrassed as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "But it's home."

Your family was fairly wealthy, and you had a much larger home. You knew Draco did too; really, chances were he'd laugh at the home Ron had so graciously offered to the rest of your group.

"I love it, Ron," you said earnestly. "It really feels like a home."

Which was true. Your home was large and had many rooms, but Ron's seemed cozy, like a family actually lived there. Your mother was obsessed with keeping things clean and organized, and if your room was messy, you were to keep the door closed and act like your bedroom didn't exist. So needless to say, you were relishing in the feeling that Ron's home was already giving you.

Molly led your group into the dining room, where she had a full, hot lunch prepared for all of you. Your mouth began to water immediately as you realized you had no idea how long it had been since you'd had a meal as real as this one.

She had prepared a large meatloaf, coupled with mashed potatoes and fresh peas, which Arthur Weasley was proud to announce had come from their personal garden. The five of you began to dig in immediately, conversations turning to lighter topics as all of you thoroughly cleaned your plates.

Once you had all eaten your fill and Molly had magically cleared the table, she and Arthur sat down at the head of the table with the rest of you, ready to hear what the five of you had to say.

"I know you are here to talk about plans for the war," Arthur started, and Molly nodded, her hands folded on the table in front of her. "We want you to know that we fully support all of you in all of your endeavors—and y/n, Juniper, we want you to know we know about you, our Ron has written us quite a bit—and we appreciate your help."

You smiled earnestly in response, and then the attention at the table turned to Harry, awaiting what it was he had to say.

The brunette boy cleared his throat before he began to talk. "We think the remaining Horcruxes are hidden somewhere in the castle at Hogwarts," he began, and you looked over to see Molly's face had begun to pale. Harry didn't seem to notice; or if he did, he didn't address it as he continued on.

"We still need to locate and destroy the missing diadem of Ravenclaw, and the cup of Helga Hufflepuff," Harry said. "I'm also fairly confident that You-Know-Who's snake is the last Horcrux. Someone's going to need to kill Nagini, too."

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