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Its been a week since i lost the baby its been a week since i have talked to anyone its been a week since i have been happy. I needed a break not just from Patrick but from everyone.

KARAL: hey Matt can i come over i need to talk to someone

MATT: Yeah is it about Patrick

KARLA: kinda i will be over in 30

MATT: kk

I start to head to the elevator but someone is in my way "Patrick move out of the way" i say in a polite voice "i dont think you should go to where ever your going" i was pissed i just needed to get away "i think you should not tell what to do and just get out of my god damn way".

I got a taxi and headed straight to Matt's he lives in a appartment complex i text Matt to tell him to let me into the building

KARLA: im here

MATT: okay

I head up the stares and knock on his door he opens it and tears in his eyes and a tissue in his hand "Matt what happened wheres Zak" i say letting myself in his place "he..he cheated on me" he lets out "oh god Matt im so sorry" i say pulling him into a hug letting him cry on my shoulder.

Matt finally calmed down after about an hour of cry into my shoulder he looks at me and wipes his tears away from his face "now enough about me whats going on" "i dont know anymore Matt what should i do" he looks at me and smiles "Karla do what you think is right i know you love him and i know you loved the baby but dont stay with him just because you love him stay with him because you want to stay with him dont feel guilty for letting your feelings out".

"ok how about this after your tour stay here its only gonna be for a week then we can go to New York and we both can start fresh new lives new us" Matt says honestly it was the best idea ever "so what you think'' Matt says taking me out of my thoughts i looked at him and i just smiled he smilled back "WOAHHH" he screams a little to loud i laughed "a little to gay" he asks me "no its who you are be as gay as you have to" he laughs and i spend the day planning what is going to happen after the tour i forgot about everything i felt happy even if it was an act i could be myself around Matt without worrying that he would judge me.

"well i need to go Fall out boy are about to have there last concert and Patrick wants me to be there" i say getting off the couch and heading to the door "Remember what i said Karla think about it" i smile and head out the door.


"so guys this is Fall out boys last concert to give them a huge round of applause" Brendon says screaming into the mic "good luck" i say to Pete he looks at me with a slight smile and heads out on stage.

The performance was perfect as always until they were about to play the last song "i would like to say something" Patrick says into the mic "i came to this tour not wanting to have drama i wanted to be happy and i was happy i fell in love and it was the most amazing feeling ever at the moment we have been going through a rough patch and we have decided that Fall out boy will no longer make anymore music we will be taking a break it might not be forever but for now its the best option".

I was in shock i just stood there Patrick looked to the side of the stage and i start to cry its all my fault "Now lets finsh this tour off with a upbeat song" Patrick says to the crownd and thats when he starts to sing.

When Rome's in ruins
We are the lions
Free of the coliseum
In poisoned places
We are anti-venom
We're the beginning of the end

The foxes hunt the hounds
It's all over now
Before it has begun
And we've already won

We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
We are wild
Americana exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby? Yeah

Come on make it easy
Say I never mattered
Run it up the flagpole
We will teach you
How to make
Boys next door
Out of assholes

The foxes hunt the hounds
It's all over now
Before it has begun
And we've already won

We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
We are wild
Americana exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby? Yeah

We are wild
We are like young volcanoes
We are wild
Americana exotica
Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby? Yeah


Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now