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Not much happened after the movie night everyone eventually gave into Joe's damands and we watched all 3 High School musicals, i was in Patricks arms all night i fell asleep with my head on his shoulder i can imaging it not being very comfortable for him but i didnt care.

"Karla wake up please wake up your having a bad dream" i hear Patrick say as he is shaking me in a atempt to wake me up and trust me i wanted to wake up but my eyes wouldnt open.

"Please Bobby dont do this you dont want to do this please" i just keep repeating that and then i woke, i sweating, out of breath and i could feel the tears run down my face "Patrick" i say over and over again "Karla im here dont worry i will always be here" i hear him say as he pulls me into a hug "he was about to do it Patrick he was going to.." i tryed to find the words but nothing "dont say it Karla dont say it" he says.

"he is going to find me Patrick and he always gets what he wants even if it means killing you" i start bawling my eyes out into Patricks cardian.

"karla look at me" he pulls my head up "i wont let anything happen to you and you know that i love you" "i love you to"

"wheres everyone gone" i question Patrick "they went out for breakfast i said i would stay here and wait for you to wake up" "thanks" i say in a quite tone, "Karla how long have you been having dreams like that" i didnt want to answer that question i just wanted to stay quiet but Patrick wouldnt let this go and being Patrick he would probably tell Pete but he needs to know so for once i dont lie "about 5 months thats why i dont sleep at night im scared of my thoughts"  i say truthfully.

He doesnt say anything it goes quiet i pull my phone out of my pocket and go on instagram i promised i would follow Kat because thats the type of girl she is but i still love her, i look at her latest post and its of her and Brendon with the caption "with the bae" i see who commented on the photo one girl is like "OMFG IS THAT BRENDON URIE YOUR DATING BRENDON  URIE" the other comments are like "awwwww" and "cute" thats until i stumble on the last comment the name stood out to me it made me uncomfortable it was from Bobby the comment was even more disturbing "awww wonder how long that relationship is going to last oh and thats a good resturant i go there reguarly" oh my god he knows where we are he is in the same city as me shit, and thats when i froze.

"Karla whats wrong" Patrick says as he walks out of the bathroom in a new set of clothes, he walks over to me and looks at the phone "shit" is all he says he pulls out his phone and calls someone probably Pete "Pete you need to come back to the hotel now bobby commented on Kats recent instagram photo hurry up Karla is in shock shes not moving'' he hangs up the phone and kneels down next to me.

"Karla its ok this is what he wants he wants to taunt you dont give into it dont let him get to you" everything went black next thing i know i was in my Bed in mine and Pete's hotel room Pete was the only one in the room he looks at me his face all red his eyes puffy he didnt say anything he just embraced me in a hug.

"please dont cry im the one supose to be crying not you Pete" i wipe tears away from his cheeks he lets out a small smirk "where's Patrick i ask wanting him to hold me "Karla umm Joe found him in the toliet with a razor blade in his hands he was about to do it but before i knew it he ran out of the hotel we havent seen him in about 2 hours" i feel tears brewing i finally let them pour down my face "how long have i been out for" i barely able to let out of my mouth.

"you have been out for about 3 hours joe and Brendon are looking for Patrick and Andy, Dallon and Kat are in the other hotel room".

"Pete im hurting him he is hurting and its all my fault"i grab him and cry into his shoulders "Karla it will never be your fault he is Patrick he will pull through this you will get through this if Bobby tries anything he will be going back to jail and this time it will be for good".





Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now