I don't care what you think as long as its about me

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"Brendon whats wrong tell me" I say trying to find out whats wrong i see his phone in his hand and i snatch it, it reads "Kat Fraser and Bobby Dallas are in a relationship" "fuck brendon its fake Kat would never do that she would never do that to you she loved you Bobby is doing this not Kat".

"How do you really know that Karla she is a bitch and if you are going to take her side then just fuck off she has put me through hell and back and im fucking done so FUCK OFF" he says starting to raise his voice.

"You dont mean that Brendon you are just angry your hurting but this is what he wants dont give in" i say getting closer to him but he starts screaming in my face which is really scary "WELL IF THATS WHAT HE WANTS THEN LET HIM HAVE IT I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ANYMORE" and thats when everyone comes running into the hallway Joe is the first one to reach us and tries to calm Brendon down but Brendon just pushes Joe into a wall and tried to punch him but missed thankfully Joe ducked in time.

I didnt want to see Brendon like this it made my heart break he was my best friend and to see him in pain makes me in pain i just ran to the elevator and pushed the up button i needed to escape so i went to the treetop garden which by the way was shit it had one chair and a plant in the corner i have seen gas station bathrooms more fancy than this.

I needed this to stop i needed all this pain to go away i did something that i was scared to do in a long time if my death meant that they would be safe i would do it in a heart beat i pulled out my phone and texted Kat "Tell your bed buddy that if he wants me than he can come get me PS congrats you have broken Brendon's heart i hope your happy".

I didnt put my phone into my pocket i hanged it over the edge i was about to drop it but someone came up next to me "go ahead im not stopping you" my brother came and standed next to me "i sent a text to Kat" "i know" he says back "have you been watching me this whole time'' he doesnt say anything "im not stopping you go ahead" i was about to say something until there was a voice behind us.

I started shaking i knew who that was, it was the person who tried to kill me the person i trusted, the person i would take a bullet for but he was behind the trigger, i looked at Pete and his face went red he knew who it was to, we both turned around at the same time and saw him stand before us.

"well is it really a suprise Karla you did tell Kat for me to get you myself so here i am standing infront of the wentz siblilings" bobby says, i could see Pete was about to charge at him but not before bobby started to speak again"dont think about Pete make one wrong move and Kat dies yes she is with me im having loads of fun with her im sure Brendon would love to know what im doing to her".

Pete is now scared for his life we both know one of us is not going to come away from this not hurt and im going to make sure Pete stays alive no matter what.

"Why are you doing this Bobby i mean what do you get out of it do you really have nothing else to do with your life then torture inocent victims until they snap", i let out trying not to seemed scared of his presence but on the inside i was screaming wanting it to be over.

"your wrong Karla you cant say you didnt get anything out of it you and i both know that you are stronger now you arent weak your strong but not strong enough now does your brother want to say anything" bobby blurts out.

"I have nothing to say to you if your idea of fun is to torture us and thats how your life than go ahead all i know is that the bad guys always fall first" Pete says "good point Pete lets test that now" he pulls out a gun from his pocket and points it at Pete he was about to let the trigger go until i pushed Pete and next thing i know there is a sharp pain in my shoulder and i colapse my vision goes black and i see nothing but darkness.





Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now