Chapter 19 (This should be the right decision)

Start from the beginning

"I died once and fortunately, you both don't have to know"

"I missed you both so much"

Then, Boyi begins to cry with tears overflowing his eyes, after a while, Boyi reluctantly wants to put the photo beside him, hoping to frame the picture and let it stay in the room.

Boyi he put at the side Boyi mumbles

"Help me, mum and dad"

"Help me to help L&M"

Then, Boyi looks into the box and found a piece of paper that is folded into quarters, when Boyi opens it, his eyes widened with surprise and shocked

"It is a restraining court order filed by his father for Mdm Yu not to come near his mother" Boyi frowns and looks at the date, the date was before his mother got married. What makes his father file a restraining order to prevent Mdm Yu from coming near his mother? Also, why do his parents put this inside the box for Boyi to see?

Boyi did wonder what the court order means but because his mind is also more curious about what was inside the box, so he let the court order slide and put it beside him, and look inside the box again.

Inside the box, he found a X-ray photo of a baby which is a bit bluish and it looks like the size of the bean.

Behind the photo written "Boyi at two months"

Boyi smiles and then he mumbles

"So, I was born from a bean" Boyi's mind wonders playfully, some from a caveman, some said from a rock and he is from a tiny bean. Boyi looks at himself and giggles

Then there are medical records of his mother's pregnancy, and also many records of before pregnancy, and when Boyi read a bit of those record, he found that his father who is a chemist and physic doctorate was actually prescribed medication for his mother to get pregnant.

Boyi looks at it and in his mind at the moment due to his happy moment before that, he is full of praise for his dad

"Wow!!!!! Dad is wonderful" as he remembered Zhang Ma told him that his mother has always been weak and hard to conceive.

The records were quite a lot and so Boyi is not technical enough to understand it and so he found it a bit boring but he is happy that his dad prescription some "Vitamins" to help his mother get pregnant. That is what Boyi was thinking.

Then, there is a medical record of his birth, and also some examination record of Boyi, Boyi glanced through it and his eyes widen when he reads

"Gifted with a special gift"

"Able to have a child"

"Womb intact"

Boyi's brain goes a little dizzy, he knew that he was special from a young age, he does not have hair on his slim legs like other boys, he also doesn't have hair around his 'treasure'. His body is very smooth and slender, not much like normal muscular boys but he does have what others have between his legs, however, he is always shy about it because it does not have its full bloom growth like other boys.

To Boyi, this is special and different and so he always keeps away from others because of this, he is afraid that others will call him a freak, or worst something nastier.

Only Zhang Ma knew about him and he only sees one doctor when he is sick.

Boyi's hand starts to tremble and shakes

Rebirth of a Loser = TURN THE TIDE ✔✔✔ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now