Thank You

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Wow, I, uh... I have no idea what to say.

Thank you.

If you have made it to this book, this chapter, this end....
Then I know you have read through this entire series. And I am so happy and thankful for you. For all of you.

To make a quick little storytime:

I started this series because two years ago, on December 24th, 2019, I went to go see Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker in Theatres four days after its release.

I had just recently gotten into Star Wars after hating it for so many years and saying that it's "stupid" or "boring" but I got into it because I saw the trailer for TROS and decided I would watch the movie for my Mom who I knew would want to go see it.

I watched TFA and TLJ so I could get some context on the plot and fell in love with the amazing story, and Kylo Ren quickly became my favorite character. I saw things in him that I saw in myself. To put it simply I had never seen a fictional character that I could relate to as much.

So when we went to go see TROS I was very excited to see how Kylo would progress as a character. I left that theater crying because he died. But it also sparked an idea in me and it all started with the thought of:
"What if he didn't die?"

Then that thought eventually developed into:
"What if I was in Star Wars?"

And that's how Eclypse York was born!
(in my mind, obviously)

She was originally supposed to be me. Like exactly like me.
She was supposed to have my name and have all my features, personality, etc, but then I started to make her as more of an OC character rather than just a literal copy of myself.
Like for example, I have really dark brown eyes while she has green, she's five inches taller than me, she's older than me, she still has my skin tone tho. I really wanted to keep that because I wanted to see more black representation in the Star Wars series.

Then I found her name which took an entire month because I could never decide on anything and I couldn't think of a really good last name so I said: "let's just stick with York until I stumble across something else."
I ended up sticking with it, all right.

Eclypse's personality is my own except for she's more outspoken with her sarcasm.
Her trauma is an example of my own too.
I DO NOT HAVE HER EXACT TRAUMA, it is all a very metaphorical version of it.

And sure, she may be a little bit too much like Kylo Ren, but that's how she was imagined and that's how the story works.
The story is about having someone you can relate to, to have your back, and to fill voids.

I started writing with what little ideas I had in early February of 2020 and now here we are.
The time flew by so fast and the plot grew and grew as it did, so did my skills in writing.

I wish I could write so much more because I have so many more ideas to continue this character's life story and fill in gaps that I might have missed but I feel that I have to step back for a while. Eclypse York and her story have been a coping mechanism of mine for these past two years especially with Covid. And to create so many other characters too! It's been amazing.

Don't worry! Soon I will post one-shots of other adventures of Eclypse's, the Twins', Takud's, Alanya's, more A.U.s and additions to the original book (I may or may not have some already written out😉).

So this story is not dying here, it will forever live on in my own heart,
as Ben Solo says at the end of my first book:

"Till the end of time."

I love you all so much, and I thank you for joining me on this journey🦋
Happy Christmas/Life Day✨

~Maria, December 20th, 2021

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