Chapter Eighteen

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Like I was in the Resistance base, I sat on the floor of my cell, tapping my foot quickly while trying to come up with a way to escape. Ginevra took me to some different planet, it had molten rock running off mountains like the waterfalls on Pillio but no sign of natural life except for dead trees. She did take me down into a dark large castle like the one on Neeve, and even deeper into a dungeon underneath it.  It was overly warm here, and you'd think that it'd be cooler underground but it's warmer than it is on the surface.
And being inside gave me a similar feeling that Kylo's lightsaber gave me.
The things that made occasional noise were the Troopers guarding the cells in far away halls and when they spoke to each other and their intercoms.
I knew that if I stayed here for too long then I'd go insane, however, the only thing that kept me sane was Esmere's presence.
I had immediately felt it when we landed on the planet and it grew stronger the farther I went below, which told me that he was being kept here this entire time! It's sort of a good thing we got caught because we would've been wasting time searching for him on Neeve. I just have to figure out a way to get him and my parents out before the Resistance gets here.

Ginevra stood across from my cell, one arm behind her back and the other she held up to stare at her nails. She took the lightsaber and clipped it to the belt of her skirt and I had noticed that she had another lightsaber right next to it. I recognized it as one half of my mother's lightsaber, it's probably what Esmere took with him when he left.
Apparently, she got bored while watching me sit but she had to, just to make sure I didn't try anything stupid. What she didn't know is that I had just come up with a plan, I know for a fact that it isn't stupid, because over the years I have learned the art of masking.
"So..." I began. "Why'd you come to Pillio? And undercover too, it must've been some challenge."
Ginevra moved her gaze to me, annoyed and dismissive. I have to admit, she acted well as the bubbly girl at school. But I can tell that her real personality is bitter.
"What? You afraid of a tiny question?" I scoffed playfully, raising an eyebrow.
She rolled her eyes.
"I was sent by my father to find your parents and lure them here. However, being a random girl trying to take two adults to a Final Order base wouldn't work, so I decided to go through you. At least that's what I planned before I found out that you were untrusting. Once I saw your brother's weak point, I seized the opportunity though he also gave me plenty of trouble." Ginevra said sassily.
"You were smart not to use me." I mused. "I would have been too much for you."
Her expression turned sour. "Listen here, Aarue, I've dealt with way worse than you. I've killed before. I have trained for my entire life to become what I am now. If I wanted to, I could chew you up and spit you out. So, don't you dare try to say you're better than me." She walked up to the bars of the cell, as if that would intimidate me. I stood up and walked right in front of her, looking at her up and down, mirroring her expression. "I don't have to say that I'm better than you because it's already true." I spat, fists clenching at my sides. "Sure, I haven't been trained to kill but I could hurt you if I wanted to. You see, Ginevra, my 'weak' brother may have given you trouble, I can give you hell. Now you can either let me out, or you can keep going. Fair warning, there'll be a consequence in store if you do."
She rolled her eyes again and turned away to the wall she was leaning on before.
"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." I smirked.
This sent her over the edge as she turned back to me and reached for her dagger in a quick motion and pulled me against the bars harshly, putting the blade so close to my neck that if she pressed any harder then she would have drawn blood. Her blue eyes glared into mine trying to find any point of weakness. I was good at hiding my true feelings and weaknesses though.

Benefits of being my father's daughter, I believe.
No one can tell what our weakness is until long after we've already beat them.

"You want to fight, Yorkshire? I'll bring you a war. Because guess what, I can be a b*tch too. At my command, I could have your precious brother killed." Ginevra hissed.
I smirked, sneaking my hands through the bars. One stayed above Kylo Ren's lightsaber, the other above her waist, preparing for what I'm about to do.

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