Chapter Nineteen

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{This chapter is kinda weird and short and is written weird so please ignore it🧍🏾‍♀️}


Being next to my twin again made my heart sore to the stars, and to see that she was safe made it even better. Now all we had to do was fight our way out.
Once Aarue and Mom got us out of the cell, we made it to the top by sneaking very carefully, but that didn't last long.
Since Mara (or as Rue told me, her actual name is 'Ginevra') ran off, she must have warned the rest of the base, which means that General from before will be looking for us. And also Aunt Rey is here looking for her Holocron so that's already set the base on edge.

"Could you teach me how to use this thing?!" Rue yelled over the blaster fire.
I wasn't too good with my mother's lightsaber yet but I could definitely use it better than her. I laughed, blocking as many fires as I could. She was struggling a lot with Kylo Ren's red saber yet she was fierce in what she could do, making her seem more intimidating. "Focus on your target and how you get to them! Not on how you good you hold the hilt!" I answered as I sent back a bolt to the Trooper it came from.
"And make sure you just don't cut off your hand!"
She exhaled, stepping next to me for a moment. "Are you sure 'don't cut off your hand' is the best advice?"
"He's right!" Mom cut in, trying to shoot off as many troopers as she could with Dad.
"You really have to be careful with that!"
"See, I told you. Now, pay attention!" I dictated, blocking a blot that came straight towards her. She smiled then went back to the battle.
We went back and forth with protecting each other and our parents. Even though it was difficult to fight them off, these Troopers are terrible shots and can barely aim. But we were outnumbered by many so it made it worse.
The fight gave me a jolt of confidence and it made me feel good when Dad would glance at me and smirk, showing his approval. It meant a lot to me.
Maybe this is what Takud meant when he said that I had to find an inner strength to escape?
I did step up to the battle without hesitation.
I'm not a coward like that man, Vicrul, said.
And neither is my father.

I heard a familiar chirp of a droid and a lightsaber activate then looked behind me to see BB-8 and Aunt Rey who joined in the fight too. She had a satchel strapped over her shoulder tightly and I guessed that she had found the Holocron since I could sense it from her, but that also meant that we had even less time then I thought.
"Glad to see that you're safe!" Aunt Rey said, blocking everything with ease.
"Nice to see you got the Holocron back!" I replied.
"Rey, is the Resistance here yet?" Dad asked as he shot down multiple troopers at once. No matter what he's always a good shot...
I wonder how he learned that...
"Yes, they're doing a ground invasion here so we have very little time left! You can come with me to the Falcon! It's back this way!" Aunt Rey yelped, jumping out of the way of a bolt just in time before it hit her.
We followed her in a second and I was right next to her since I was faster, running through the corridors and making turns when she did.
Though I was in a dangerous situation, my heart pumped with excitement since I was running and I ignored my jagged breathing as well as the pain of the cut on my cheek.
It felt so right to have my legs carry me fast.
Little did I know that I wouldn't be able to escape the way that was planned in a matter of moments.


Once I realized we were close to the end as we ran through an all glass corridor to the launch bay, I held back the urge to smile. All of this chaos, this confusion, was finally coming to an end. I could get both my children home safely and in one piece.
But that changed when I saw Esmere be held back by an invisible force...
"Mom!" He called out for me for I was the closest to him and I stopped in my tracks, and so did Ben, Aarue, and Rey.
My eyes widened when I saw who held my son back and he smirked when he took his lightsaber.
It was Vicrul Ren.
But... I thought he was dead.

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